Thanks YO!
$1 or more per month • 0 patrons
A thank you on the show or site
Thank you email
Access to patrons-only comments
High Fives To You!
$5 or more per month • 0 patrons
Receive digital note or special newsletter each month
Name listed on show’s patrons list and a High Five shout-out on a show
Early access to new episodes
Showing The Love!
$10 or more per month • 0 patrons
Monthly, handwritten note or special show postcard
Show swag (bumper sticker, hat, mug)
Access to patron-only bonus content
Participate in a closed fan Facebook group or monthly google hangout with hosts
Barely Legal Booze Prize!
$21 or more per month • 0 patrons
Patron can read a short message on the show, or call in as a special guest
Special show products or access to exclusive events
Free 30-minute consulting session or coffee/cocktail with the hosts
Patron can determine a show topic
Specially-selected gift delivered each month
ONE bottle of our homemade 'hooch'!
GET $21 REWARDYou Rock!
$50 or more per month • 0 patrons
All of the above, PLUS:
Appear as a guest on the show
Choose a guest for the show and attend the recording
A personal thank you video from the hosts
A 60 second sponsorship of your product or service, read by the hosts
One hour videoconference or dinner with the hosts
Stalker Award!
$100 or more per month • 0 patrons
Appear as a guest on the show
Choose a guest for the show and attend the recording
A personal thank you video from the hosts
A 60 second sponsorship of your product or service, read by the host
One hour videoconference or dinner with the hosts
GET $100 REWARDGreat, RAW artist interviews with rockstars and entertainment, news and lifestyle reviews!
We are two regular 'doods' doing incredibly raw reviews and interviews with rock bands from around the country and world. This podcast also provides an entertaining review of the news and events of the past week or so that have become the 'watercooler' talk of the office and home!
Doing a podcast requres both time and money (websites, audio/video equipment, hosting sites) to produce. Therefore, we need your help to thrive and survive. If you enjoy what you hear, please make a donation however large or small to help us 'doods' out!
Let's talk to YOU!
When we reach our initial goal, we'll reach out to one of you to be a 'guest host' in an upcoming Podcast episode. Hell, we'll even hook you up with some freebies too. Perhaps a coffee mug (supporting Warrior Roasters, Andy's coffee company), bag of coffee, nice Cuban cigar or t-shirt (provided we can raise enough jack to get these made!).
Eventually, we'd like to invest in much better audio and video equipment so we can start producing podcasts and videos in far less 'schleppy' (see: amature) form!
We Send Nudes And Booze
Ok, we won't send nudes...but we might be able to get a nice bikini for our signifigant others and produce some videos and podcasts to talk about how much we love bikini's!
We are both beer and cider makers, having won in several local brewing competitions. In fact, Andy just made about 150 bottles of his grandmothers coffee liquor with the help of Seven Troughs Distillary, Nevada's oldest distillary! We'll send 5 of you (provided you prove your legal age) a bottle of something nice from our custom made stash, ok?
Steak And Lobster
No...seriously, if we reach the $2500 monthly goal, Andy and I will either take one you out to dinner (if you live nearby), fly to your local and take you to dinner (and feature you on a podcast) or send you steak and lobster for your own enjoyment! How much fun does that sound?!?
Thanks YO!
$1 or more per month • 0 patrons
A thank you on the show or site
Thank you email
Access to patrons-only comments
High Fives To You!
$5 or more per month • 0 patrons
Receive digital note or special newsletter each month
Name listed on show’s patrons list and a High Five shout-out on a show
Early access to new episodes
Showing The Love!
$10 or more per month • 0 patrons
Monthly, handwritten note or special show postcard
Show swag (bumper sticker, hat, mug)
Access to patron-only bonus content
Participate in a closed fan Facebook group or monthly google hangout with hosts
Barely Legal Booze Prize!
$21 or more per month • 0 patrons
Patron can read a short message on the show, or call in as a special guest
Special show products or access to exclusive events
Free 30-minute consulting session or coffee/cocktail with the hosts
Patron can determine a show topic
Specially-selected gift delivered each month
ONE bottle of our homemade 'hooch'!
GET $21 REWARDYou Rock!
$50 or more per month • 0 patrons
All of the above, PLUS:
Appear as a guest on the show
Choose a guest for the show and attend the recording
A personal thank you video from the hosts
A 60 second sponsorship of your product or service, read by the hosts
One hour videoconference or dinner with the hosts
Stalker Award!
$100 or more per month • 0 patrons
Appear as a guest on the show
Choose a guest for the show and attend the recording
A personal thank you video from the hosts
A 60 second sponsorship of your product or service, read by the host
One hour videoconference or dinner with the hosts