Job Search Help, From Someone Who Went Through It Successfully, To Help You To Get Hired Fast.



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Job Search Help Now -- Donation --

$1.99 or more per month • 20 patrons

A giant thank you to all of my monthly patrons because without you I could not keep creating free content for people to get their next great opportunity or to advance their career based on my experience.

Your reward for becoming a patron is access to "Patron Level Premium Content". This is my best stuff as it is based on career situations that either were a great success of a lesson learned. These are pure gold people and only available to people who become patrons. Believe me, it is great value for the money.

Being unemployed is a horrible feeling and I want to do what I can to help people to get away from that feeling and on to their next opportunity. 

I have had a long career and I want to share all of my experiences so that people learn the good and the bad. That way they can navigate through their career without commiting some of the errors that I made while also gaining from the good things that I did.

My podcasts discuss many subjects and they do it with heartfelt advice and not some useless words in a book. Please consider being a patron if you have not already so that I can keep on bringing you my experiences unfiltered. 

Thank you in advance for your donation.

Anthony Hines





Job Search Help, From Someone Who Went Through It Successfully, To Help You To Get Hired Fast.

Who Am I….I am a hardworking guy who, like many others, found himself out of work during the economic downturn in 2010. After a long battle of wrong turns, job search strategies that led to no where, and dead end leads, I decided to take a more strategic approach to my job search. Like anything else in life, I needed to treat my search like a full-time job and create a plan that would allow me to stand out above the competition. This came in especially handy as I was in transition again in 2017. Basically, I just used the tips that I have shared with others and was out of work a total of ZERO days. Yes, I got a job offer the day after my last day at my previous job. Let me show you how I did it so you too can have a quicker landing than you would have had without my tips.

Why Am I Sharing What Helped Me…because I quickly realized that to handle an event like that is to focus on what you can control and share the experience to help others. I believe that an experience not shared is a lost opportunity in life, and that smart people learn from their mistakes and smarter people learn from other people’s experiences. Plus, I told myself that once I figured this out I would share it with others so that they too could navigate the world of unemployment.

In these chapters, I show you how I did it so that you will have the confidence to make it through the process. I hope that these Podcasts help you to get your next great job.



Promoting My Podcast Series As I Want To End Unemployment For Everyone, One Person At A Time.

$500 per month

Being unemployed is very challenging. I want to help everyone I can to gain great employment as quickly as possible by using my tips and tools. I have many power points and a growing set of pod casts that are doing just that. I also have a LinkedIn group called the Anthony Hines Job Seeker Survival Group where people can signup and get even more support. I have some great stuff. Please help me to spread the word so that all can be help and we can work together to end unemployment one person at a time. Donations will help compensate me for the information and tools that I have created as well as provide funds to help me promote my tools. 

If you become a patron to Job Search & Career Help RIGHT NOW - Anthony Hines -, you’ll immediately get access to as many as 166 patron-only posts.
  • The deubanks08's Podcast Creator
    The deubanks08's Podcast 3 months ago
    Once again, thank you so much for your help, Anthony! I am happy to be on board and to support you in your endeavors. Thank you for helping jobseekers like me to find the jobs that we need in very desperate times. I hope more people support your mission and find the best jobs possible through you. Be safe and have an excellent day!
  • The pablo625's Podcast Creator
    The pablo625's Podcast 10 months ago
    Thanks for what you do Anthony!
  • Creator
    Anthony gives absolutely the best advice for your job search. Even if his focus is on North America, his content is applicable to job seekers globally (I am based in Japan). Highly recommended!
  • The Jennyu21's Podcast Creator
    The Jennyu21's Podcast 2023-05-17
    Anthony is absolutely amazing and will give you motivation and that confidence. Even if you're not looking for a job he is extremely helpful.
  • The RFMacD132's Podcast Creator
    The RFMacD132's Podcast 2023-03-31
    Thank you Anthony!
  • The emilianamartin's Podcast Creator
    The emilianamartin's Podcast 2022-10-05
    Where are your LinkedIn events? Do you record the one-hour event and post here? If so, where is it?

    Thanks in advance,
    Emiliana Martin
  • The ShelliePrice's Podcast Creator
    The ShelliePrice's Podcast 2022-09-23
    Hey buddy! I came to support!


Job Search Help Now -- Donation --

$1.99 or more per month • 20 patrons

A giant thank you to all of my monthly patrons because without you I could not keep creating free content for people to get their next great opportunity or to advance their career based on my experience.

Your reward for becoming a patron is access to "Patron Level Premium Content". This is my best stuff as it is based on career situations that either were a great success of a lesson learned. These are pure gold people and only available to people who become patrons. Believe me, it is great value for the money.

Being unemployed is a horrible feeling and I want to do what I can to help people to get away from that feeling and on to their next opportunity. 

I have had a long career and I want to share all of my experiences so that people learn the good and the bad. That way they can navigate through their career without commiting some of the errors that I made while also gaining from the good things that I did.

My podcasts discuss many subjects and they do it with heartfelt advice and not some useless words in a book. Please consider being a patron if you have not already so that I can keep on bringing you my experiences unfiltered. 

Thank you in advance for your donation.

Anthony Hines