Betwixt Podcast at the Intersection of Faith & Culture

Tired of polarizing ideologies? Help me Change the Conversation!



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Thank You! Merci, Gracias, Domo Arigato!

    • Thank you email
    • Access to patrons-only content
Pledge $2 per month

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Ovation. Stand up and take a bow!

  • Sneak Peek of upcoming episodes
  • Social Media Shout out
  • Plus all previous rewards
Pledge $5 per month

$5 or more per month • 0 patrons

Laudation. We couldn't do this without you!

  • Your name in the podcast credits
  • Plus all previous rewards
Pledge $10 per month

$10 or more per month • 0 patrons

Conversation Starter. Help us start a great conversation!

  • Start your own great conversation with a custom conversation starter question we will send to you! Report back for a chance to share your story on the podcast!
  • Plus all previous rewards
Pledge $20 per month

$20 or more per month • 0 patrons

Percolator. No better perk than coffee!

  • Serve up a great conversation over specialty roasted Florin Coffee. Our treat! We'll send you a bag of beans so you can Enjoy the Ritual!
  • Plus all previous rewards
Pledge $50 per month

$50 or more per month • 0 patrons

Food for Thought. Join me for a meal and conversation!

  • To celebrate a year of supporting Betwixt, come on over to Columbus and I will feed you. Kosher, hallal, paleo, vegan . . . you name it and I can serve it! We can talk about anything you like! (Skype picnic as alternative!)
  • Plus all previous rewards
Pledge $100 per month

$100 or more per month • 0 patrons

Producer. Co-produce an episode!

  • To celebrate a year of supporting Betwixt, join me for our own on-air conversation! Co-produce an episode on a Betwixing topic you care about! *
  • Plus all previous rewards

*Some restrictions apply. Topic subject to approval.


Tired of polarizing ideologies? Help me Change the Conversation!

Betwixt is opening conversations at the intersection of faith and culture. Marked by the sacred and taboo, this space often feels like a warzone. 

As polarizing ideologies push us into foxholes, the safe spaces for good conversation  - the ones that change us rather than entrench us - are dwindling. Where can we go to engage others who are not like us, who can challenge or sharpen our worldview? 

Nothing flourishes in a foxhole. As we enter the liminal space between, we discover who we really are, what we really believe, and how to cultivate shared values and meaningful communities. 

I don't want to change minds. I want to change conversations!

The Betwixt podcast is devoted to the sacred and dangerous in-between spaces where we learn more about ourselves as we listen to others. Conversations with fascinating guests will coax us out of our ideological trenches with betwixing stories from the middle space.

With YOUR help, I can tell betwixing stories like these about liminal people, places and practices:

  • Radical Forgiveness: In response to manslaughter, how the the radical forgiveness of the Amish community changed a young man forever; How unleashing the power of reconciliation between genocide perpetrators and victims in a Rwandan prison is changing a nation.

  • Covered Up: Why do religious women cover their heads? Modesty, subservience, or cultural rebellion? I talk with women from the three Abrahamic faiths to find out why!​

  • Coming of Age:  A  group of Coloradan men render a modern rite-of-passage to initiate their sons into manhood; Female Genital Cutting: How doctors attempt to salvage a traditional rite-of-passage while saving the lives of young girls.

  • Turning Wine to Grape Juice: How the Temperance Movement watered down the holiest Christian sacrament and it's ripple effect around the world.

  • How Prayer Changes Us: Entering the space between heaven and earth with silence, imagination, and ducks, prayer does more than change outcomes - it changes us.

  • Breaking the Intersex Silence: How do people born without binary gender distinctions engage faith and culture? Stepping away from the gender battle, we listen to the civilian stories of intersexed people scarred by shame, silence, and scalpel.

Your Betwixing Story: What stories would you like to hear or share?

If you become a patron to Betwixt Podcast at the Intersection of Faith & Culture, you’ll immediately get access to as many as 0 patron-only posts.

Help! I'm giving birth to a Podcast. I need a village to raise it!

$500 per month

Just like gestating a baby, birthing a podcast is full of expectation. This includes both the expected and unexpected delights and challenges!

With happy expectation, I set off into podcast-land with all of my filmmaking gear. This has enabled me to do some preliminary recording! Yay! :) 

Unexpectedly, not all of my gear is right for podcasting and could use an upgrade. Things I've learned: Lavalier mics are not ideal (Sorry for all the clipping noises and rustling shirt sounds that visuals serve to cover). Film editing software doesn't cut it for audio editing (removing cricket chirping is harder than refrigerator hum!)

And as expected, the smaller monthly costs of creating and posting a podcast really add up. I need some help covering the basics of webhosting and managment, audio storage and hosting, licensing costs, etc.

Your contributions will help cover these costs.

  • Ongoing monthly production costs/hosting fees
  • Upgrading equipment
  • Soundproofing/studio rental (crickets!)
  • Childcare so that you won't have to hear little voices yelling "Wipe me!". (True story: this happened a split second after I finished the last word of this Launch Podcast. Bonus points for anyone who can catch it!)

It takes a village to raise a podcast. I can't do it without your help! Thanks for your support!



Pledge $1 per month

$1 or more per month • 0 patrons

Thank You! Merci, Gracias, Domo Arigato!

    • Thank you email
    • Access to patrons-only content
Pledge $2 per month

$2 or more per month • 0 patrons

Ovation. Stand up and take a bow!

  • Sneak Peek of upcoming episodes
  • Social Media Shout out
  • Plus all previous rewards
Pledge $5 per month

$5 or more per month • 0 patrons

Laudation. We couldn't do this without you!

  • Your name in the podcast credits
  • Plus all previous rewards
Pledge $10 per month

$10 or more per month • 0 patrons

Conversation Starter. Help us start a great conversation!

  • Start your own great conversation with a custom conversation starter question we will send to you! Report back for a chance to share your story on the podcast!
  • Plus all previous rewards
Pledge $20 per month

$20 or more per month • 0 patrons

Percolator. No better perk than coffee!

  • Serve up a great conversation over specialty roasted Florin Coffee. Our treat! We'll send you a bag of beans so you can Enjoy the Ritual!
  • Plus all previous rewards
Pledge $50 per month

$50 or more per month • 0 patrons

Food for Thought. Join me for a meal and conversation!

  • To celebrate a year of supporting Betwixt, come on over to Columbus and I will feed you. Kosher, hallal, paleo, vegan . . . you name it and I can serve it! We can talk about anything you like! (Skype picnic as alternative!)
  • Plus all previous rewards
Pledge $100 per month

$100 or more per month • 0 patrons

Producer. Co-produce an episode!

  • To celebrate a year of supporting Betwixt, join me for our own on-air conversation! Co-produce an episode on a Betwixing topic you care about! *
  • Plus all previous rewards

*Some restrictions apply. Topic subject to approval.