Brain Food

Support Brain Food Podcast



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Inside Look

$1 or more per month • 0 patrons

-Pre-writing and concept pieces for each episode

-Special guests

-New interviews 

-longer episodes


Support Brain Food Podcast

Producing, recording, and uploading a weekly podcast is not easy for a college student. Although you guys listen for free, it is not free to make my podcast. Any support you guys could give me financially would help me be able to afford new equipment and recording tools. And all together make your podcast experience more efficient and enjoyable. Anything you can give is greatly appreciated!!

If you become a patron to Brain Food, you’ll immediately get access to as many as 0 patron-only posts.

Money towards new recording equipment

$200 per month

With the money I receive from the pledges I put all towards the bettering of this podcast. For better a listening experience and clear audio. 


Inside Look

$1 or more per month • 0 patrons

-Pre-writing and concept pieces for each episode

-Special guests

-New interviews 

-longer episodes