The Conservative Hour of Power and Enlightenment Salon.

The Conservative Hour of Power and Enlightenment Salon: Perpetual Political Protest in Progress!



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The Conservative Hour of Power and Enlightenment Salon: Perpetual Political Protest in Progress!

The Conservative Hour of Power and Enlightenment Salon is a weekly show produced by the Ammo-Can Coffee Social Club. The show is dedicated to exploring the ideals, values, philosophy and history of American conservatism and those who identify with the Right side of politics. Shows highlight the stories of friends and neighbors, as well as special guests positioned to champion conservative culture and social organization.

If you become a patron to The Conservative Hour of Power and Enlightenment Salon., you’ll immediately get access to as many as 0 patron-only posts.

Getting started and building audience.

$400 per month

The Ammo-Can Coffee Social Club aims to build conservative community through engaging interviews introducing local conservative community members, change-agents and conservative apologists. The show highlights weekly news headlines and discusses special topics raised by the hosts and guests.

Initial funding will cover equipment upgrades.

Future funding will be used to offer live, "Feature-Fridays," ticketed social events and shows with special guests, clean comics, entertainers and pundits.


Pledge $1 per month

$1 or more per month • 0 patrons

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