$25 or more per month • 0 patrons
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All the world is a stage but the competitive dance stage is world all to itself Let’s chat about i
The Dance Comp Chat is a great podcast to start conversations and discussions about Dance Competitions! Whether it be on the stage itself or the development of routines behind the scenes, in any discipline, here at the Dance Comp Chat we are going to talk about it! Teachers, choreographers, students, parents, seamstresses, and Competition Directors are all listening to the Dance Comp Chat! With you, the patron, your support will go a long way to help with expenses to keep this thing going! Or, maybe just an earl grey tea!
First Hundred!
Any amount will help with production costs and upgrading equipment to help bring this podcast to new heights! Maybe even doing future podcasts in new locations!
$25 or more per month • 0 patrons
call in as a special guest
ask a question to me and/or the guest on the episode