Help us grow our message of Transformational Leadership. My ATTITUDE determines my EFFECTIVENESS!



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5 dollar reward

$5 or more per month • 0 patrons

I'm actually just following the prompting of the computer...I have no idea what I would give you for 5 dollars.  I will be thankful though..ha ha


Help us grow our message of Transformational Leadership. My ATTITUDE determines my EFFECTIVENESS!

As a high school football coach who is extremely competitive, I have found there to be very little encouraging Christ centered material out there for the Christian leader and coach.  Yes, lots out there telling us to have a positive attitude, but Christ is not the center of the why?  This podcast aims to drive us a leaders to be transformational in our thought processes and our execution.  It challenges the way the world tells us to be successful and instead looks at what the Bible commands us.  

I would love your support as we try to grow this podcast to encourage leaders for the glory of Jesus Christ!

If you become a patron to DEMAND EXCELLENCE, you’ll immediately get access to as many as 0 patron-only posts.

Production Costs

$1,000 per month

Not doing this to make money but to support production costs and marketing.


5 dollar reward

$5 or more per month • 0 patrons

I'm actually just following the prompting of the computer...I have no idea what I would give you for 5 dollars.  I will be thankful though..ha ha