Digitally Uploaded

Support the Digitally Uploaded Podcast!



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A thank you note on the site!

$1 or more per month • 0 patrons

For every month you support the Digitally Uploaded podcast, we'll add you to the "thank you credits" on the description of every single podcast!


Support the Digitally Uploaded Podcast!

Thank you for checking out the Digitally Uploaded podcast! This was something that we started as a side project to, but it has grown into its own thing. Each week, a couple of the people from the DDNet team jump on together to discuss our favourite games, and all the hot things that we going on in gaming.

We're also one of the few podcasts that really, really cares about Japanese games and entertainment. Of course, we like anything good and fun, but out real passion is for games that come out of Japan, with their unique aesthetics and design. 

By backing Digitally Uploaded, we'll be able to continue to make more of these, and perhaps branch into further sub-podcasts and special editions. In fact, the sky's the limit for what we'd love to do, but to get there, we really need the support of our listeners. So please do think about shooting us the cost of a coffee or so a month; every small contribution really does mean the world to us. 

And, of course, Digitally Uploaded will always remain free to tune in! If you find yourself listening in every week, please consider whether you do enjoy us enough to support us, but we'll never demand money from you. We don't think that's fair either. 

If you become a patron to Digitally Uploaded, you’ll immediately get access to as many as 0 patron-only posts.

We're well on the way!

$100 per month

If we can even raise $100/ month, the podcast becomes that much easier to organise, produce, and improve on. We're have some money to invest into tech and other important elements, and we'll be able to look at special editions, interviews, and so on. So thank you! Your contribution is going to see your favourite podcast become all the better!


A thank you note on the site!

$1 or more per month • 0 patrons

For every month you support the Digitally Uploaded podcast, we'll add you to the "thank you credits" on the description of every single podcast!