Pledge $1 per month
$1 or more per month • 0 patrons
A donation of any amount will get you a shoutout on the podcast.
GET $1 REWARDPledge $10 per month
$10 or more per month • 0 patrons
For a donation of $10.00, you get a "best of" podcast each month, along with more outtakes and extended interviews. You also get just the interviews, instead of the entire podcast, but you will also get the interviews before they go on our EMZT Radio station.
GET $10 REWARDHelp us help independent horror.
Started in 2014, Bane Hellborne and Matt Jordan share a passion for horror movies. We are a podcast that wants to help independent horror and indepedent music artists. In 2015, EMZT decided to begin a radio station, since the cost to stay legal was low, the station went ahead as planned. However, since the start of 2016, the cost of doing business has gone through the roof. We need help to keep our station on the air, to help independent artists get discovered and get paid. We are not asking for much, but know that 100% of all donations go back in the podcast, and none of it goes in Bane's or MJ's pocket.
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One month's expenses
We want to start off small, $100 keeps our website up and running, and our radio station legal.
More equipment
$500 will help us with more equipment for the show.
Going places
$1000 will help us go to more conventions.
Pledge $1 per month
$1 or more per month • 0 patrons
A donation of any amount will get you a shoutout on the podcast.
GET $1 REWARDPledge $10 per month
$10 or more per month • 0 patrons
For a donation of $10.00, you get a "best of" podcast each month, along with more outtakes and extended interviews. You also get just the interviews, instead of the entire podcast, but you will also get the interviews before they go on our EMZT Radio station.