Ignite Life KC Founders Club
$25 or more per month • 0 patrons
- An anonymous thank you on the show and a visual thank you on our Ignite Life KC Insiders section on our website!
- Thank you email from Ignite Life KC!
- Access to our patrons-only comments section that allows you to leave us general show comments and episode-specific comments and prayer requests!
- You will also have access to our patrons-only monthly livestreams, where we connect with each other virtually, and grow deeper in our relationship with The Lord Jesus.
Ignite Life KC Builders Club
$50 or more per month • 0 patrons
In addition to the rewards listed above, in our Founders Club rewards section, you ALSO HAVE THE OPTION TO CHOOSE ONE of the following options as a reward for directly supporting the Life To The Fullest Podcast with Ignite Life KC:
- Appear as a future guest on our show!
- Attendance invite to our patrons-only weekly livestream!
- A personalized THANK YOU VIDEO from the hosts!
- One hour videoconference with the hosts!
Ignite Life KC Insiders
$75 or more per month • 0 of 75 patrons
In addition to the rewards listed above, in our Founders Club rewards section, you ALSO HAVE THE OPTION TO CHOOSE TWO of the following options as a reward for directly supporting the Life To The Fullest Podcast with Ignite Life KC:
- Appear as a future guest on our show!
- Attendance invite to our patrons-only weekly livestream!
- A personalized THANK YOU VIDEO from the hosts!
- One hour videoconference with the hosts!
- Grab a coffee with us IRL at our favorite coffee spot in Kansas City, and we’ll livestream on location thanking you for your support for Ignite Life KC!
Make An Impact Now (M.A.I.N.) Team
$100 or more per month • 0 of 100 patrons
In addition to the rewards listed above, in our Founders Club rewards section, you ALSO HAVE THE OPTION TO CHOOSE TWO of the following options as a reward for directly supporting the Life To The Fullest Podcast with Ignite Life KC:
- Appear as a future guest on our show!
- Attendance invite to our patrons-only weekly livestream!
- A personalized THANK YOU VIDEO from the hosts!
- One hour videoconference with the hosts!
- Grab a coffee with us IRL at our favorite coffee spot in Kansas City, and we’ll livestream on location thanking you for your support for Ignite Life KC!
- Put your name or your business information on our virtual wall of honor inside of our Ignite Life KC Insiders section on our Website!
- Treat you to a thank you adventure of our choice in Kansas City and livestream it, because YOU are part of TEAM Make An Impact Now!
The Life to the Fullest Podcast helps you to live your best life and glorify Jesus!
The Life To The Fullest Podcast with Ignite Life KC started out of our desire to fulfill a need within the faith-based podcast community!
So then, what is Ignite Life KC? I’m so glad you asked! We are a FAITH-FUELED LIFESTYLE BRAND that’s all about IGNITING LIFE IN KANSAS CITY AND BEYOND!
We do that through posting shareable social media images that Spark Life and Hope! We also have motivational and inspirational videos that we post to FACEBOOK and YOUTUBE to spark conversations about faith-life living! We also record and upload an episode or two of our Life To The Fullest Podcast every single week AND we do an Ignite Life KC Bible Bites LIVE BROADCAST using video streaming software that pushes our content to multiple places all across Social Media at the same time!
Beyond that, here’s what we hope to do in the future: THE IGNITE LIFE PODCAST NETWORK! We bought a domain that will host ALL of our Ignite Life KC video and audio content, as well as the content from our broadcast and podcast partners, as we continue growing and going.
That’s where you come in. We need the generous financial support of people like YOU who will partner with us to help us pay for the current Streamlabs video streaming software and the Podbean Podcast Software we use every single day. We also use custom social media creation apps from Adobe, and we use those apps on a daily basis to create, edit and upload our social media content, which costs us money too. That said, if you want to support us, and help us reach more people than ever before with the life-changing, life saving Gospel of Jesus through the use of technology, we sure would appreciate your support!
All that said, what we are asking for is your generous financial support to help us keep going and keep growing, because without your support, we will keep going it alone, and that’s not where we want to be as a brand or as a podcast community. Consider financially supporting us today, because as we grow together, you are directly involved in helping us to BRING LIFE AND HOPE TO KANSAS CITY AND BEYOND!
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Ignite Life KC Founders Club
If 25 people who listen to this podcast gave $25 a month, we could potentially reach ANYWHERE BETWEEN 12,500-25,000 new people with the life-saving, life-changing, life-transforming Gospel of the Lord Jesus this month alone! Supporting us means that YOU ARE HELPING Ignite Life KC take this Gospel TO KANSAS CITY AND BEYOND THROUGH THE USE OF TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIAL MEDIA TO REACH PEOPLE FOR HIS GLORY!
Ignite Life KC Builders Club
Ignite Life KC Insiders
Make An Impact Now (M.A.I.N.) Team
Ignite Life KC Founders Club
$25 or more per month • 0 patrons
- An anonymous thank you on the show and a visual thank you on our Ignite Life KC Insiders section on our website!
- Thank you email from Ignite Life KC!
- Access to our patrons-only comments section that allows you to leave us general show comments and episode-specific comments and prayer requests!
- You will also have access to our patrons-only monthly livestreams, where we connect with each other virtually, and grow deeper in our relationship with The Lord Jesus.
Ignite Life KC Builders Club
$50 or more per month • 0 patrons
In addition to the rewards listed above, in our Founders Club rewards section, you ALSO HAVE THE OPTION TO CHOOSE ONE of the following options as a reward for directly supporting the Life To The Fullest Podcast with Ignite Life KC:
- Appear as a future guest on our show!
- Attendance invite to our patrons-only weekly livestream!
- A personalized THANK YOU VIDEO from the hosts!
- One hour videoconference with the hosts!
Ignite Life KC Insiders
$75 or more per month • 0 of 75 patrons
In addition to the rewards listed above, in our Founders Club rewards section, you ALSO HAVE THE OPTION TO CHOOSE TWO of the following options as a reward for directly supporting the Life To The Fullest Podcast with Ignite Life KC:
- Appear as a future guest on our show!
- Attendance invite to our patrons-only weekly livestream!
- A personalized THANK YOU VIDEO from the hosts!
- One hour videoconference with the hosts!
- Grab a coffee with us IRL at our favorite coffee spot in Kansas City, and we’ll livestream on location thanking you for your support for Ignite Life KC!
Make An Impact Now (M.A.I.N.) Team
$100 or more per month • 0 of 100 patrons
In addition to the rewards listed above, in our Founders Club rewards section, you ALSO HAVE THE OPTION TO CHOOSE TWO of the following options as a reward for directly supporting the Life To The Fullest Podcast with Ignite Life KC:
- Appear as a future guest on our show!
- Attendance invite to our patrons-only weekly livestream!
- A personalized THANK YOU VIDEO from the hosts!
- One hour videoconference with the hosts!
- Grab a coffee with us IRL at our favorite coffee spot in Kansas City, and we’ll livestream on location thanking you for your support for Ignite Life KC!
- Put your name or your business information on our virtual wall of honor inside of our Ignite Life KC Insiders section on our Website!
- Treat you to a thank you adventure of our choice in Kansas City and livestream it, because YOU are part of TEAM Make An Impact Now!