JustSmallBiz Marketing

Small Businesses are Under Attack from All Sides. (Internet and Big Companies) Help them Survive



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Small Businesses are Under Attack from All Sides. (Internet and Big Companies) Help them Survive

Small businesses everywhere are under attack.  Not only do they have big retailers and chains trying to get their business, but many of them are being beaten by online Internet retailers that can afford to undercut them and drive them out of business.

My mission is to provide the same level of marketing expertise that big businesses can afford to small businesses. Too many of them don't know what to do to systematically attract the right types of customers to their businesses; and when they do get them, they don't have a systematic way to nurture those relationships for continuing and regular business.

I started my podcasts to help them. I want to expand my podcasts to interviews so that they can get some exposure and help others.

I am a Veteran Air Force Officer and have taught marketing classes to small businesses throughout the U.S., including Eastern Florida State College.  

If you become a patron to JustSmallBiz Marketing, you’ll immediately get access to as many as 0 patron-only posts.

Quality Studio Audio Equipment

$500 per month

Sound quality is important and we have learned  we need the right kind of equipment to do a professional job.


Pledge $5 per month

$5 or more per month • 0 patrons

If you are a small business, we will provide a link and your logo on our website and podcasts and show you as a supporter of small business.


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