I believe that we can all Learn from people who lived it. Our pod is for the right one, not everyone



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Entry level

$5 or more per month • 0 patrons

Our entry level gives you access to the podcast as they are recorded and ad free.  You will be the first to get each episode and won't have to wait until Monday for new ones to drop.  

All in on LFPWLI

$9 or more per month • 0 patrons

This level is for you, if you love the information we provide. Let's go even deeper!

  • Watch the recording of the podcast live

  • Episodes without ads

  • Wrap up interviews with Mathew and Dr. Bevacqua and Dr. Leicken 

At this level you will receive a link to join us in the green room for each podcast recording. This will enable you to ask questions of us, our guests and doctors. You will also enjoy the episodes ad free and be sent a weekly wrap up interview with myself and the doctors/guests.


I believe that we can all Learn from people who lived it. Our pod is for the right one, not everyone

We have 3 goals with this mental and spiritual wellness series:

1. To help you feel less alone 
2. To help you consider therapy or a counselor
3. When you're ready, share your story with us

Our website and contact info here: https://www.learnfrompeoplewholivedit.com/

The idea that people can help people sits firm with me. I really do believe we can all Learn from people who lived it. We've all heard the expression HURT PEOPLE HURT PEOPLE, well I like to say HEALED PEOPLE can HEAL PEOPLE. I know its true because it happened to me.

In this series, we'll follow people through their sometimes unimaginable circumstances and see how that journey impacted their life. I want you to find yourself in these people. See that you are not alone and then most of all to consider one day that you can feel good and peaceful again, despite traumas of your past.
If you become a patron to Learn From People Who Lived it, you’ll immediately get access to as many as 0 patron-only posts.

A chance to level up our content and go deeper

$500 per month
It should be no secret that creating a podcast series like LFPWLI is a full time job. The booking, recording, mics, cameras, editing, and podcast crew is not super cheap. The truth is, this is a grassroots effort to turn up the volume on the mental health and wellness space. We want to help other see patterns in themselves, break free from old and dated dysfunction and break generational cycles. 
To do that, we must go deeper, we have to keep looking for quality stories and most importantly, we can't stop doing this podcast.  Your support means everything to this podcast because this podcast is for you!


Entry level

$5 or more per month • 0 patrons

Our entry level gives you access to the podcast as they are recorded and ad free.  You will be the first to get each episode and won't have to wait until Monday for new ones to drop.  

All in on LFPWLI

$9 or more per month • 0 patrons

This level is for you, if you love the information we provide. Let's go even deeper!

  • Watch the recording of the podcast live

  • Episodes without ads

  • Wrap up interviews with Mathew and Dr. Bevacqua and Dr. Leicken 

At this level you will receive a link to join us in the green room for each podcast recording. This will enable you to ask questions of us, our guests and doctors. You will also enjoy the episodes ad free and be sent a weekly wrap up interview with myself and the doctors/guests.