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$10 or more per month • 0 patrons
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Show swag (bumper sticker, hat, mug)
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Do you want to support the podcast, or even feature in it - come and join our community.
- Hi guys. if you like the show and want to support us, there is a way for you to do that here. By joining our community and becoming a patreon, you´ll get inside views on the show, get the first looks of trailers and hear episodes before they are officially released. In addition, you´ll have the chance to chat with us at Nordic D&D. There is also a chance to be in the show, where we name a npc after you. If you have good recording equipment, there is a chance you´ll get to voice said npc - artists will get selected art as an episode cover - musicians might get a piece used in the show etc. If you just want to support the show because you like it, you are more than welcome to do so. Whatever motivates you, please consider becoming a patreon - we will use every dime to bring you a better experience every time we release an episode.
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Break even
By reaching this goal, you will help me to break even, on all the costs i have invested in getting the show up and running, and making sure there is more to come.
By reaching this goal, there is more money to spend on upgrading our equipment to make an awsome studio for better sound.
Like a pro
By reaching this goal, we will sound like a pro, thanks to you. Not only will we get even better upgrads, but we will get, the best equipment, the best sound effects and the best of what ever the show needs. Making Nordic DnD an Awsome show.
$5 or more per month • 0 patrons
Receive digital note or special newsletter each month
Name listed on show’s patrons list and a shout-out on a show
Early access to new episodes
$10 or more per month • 0 patrons
Monthly, handwritten note or special show postcard
Show swag (bumper sticker, hat, mug)
Access to patron-only bonus content
Participate in a closed fan Facebook group or monthly google hangout with hosts