Ball is Life and Podcastin is not Cheap



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Pledge $1 per month

$1 or more per month • 0 patrons

Donating just One Dollar makes you a saint!  For donating this amount you will recieve a custom shoutout on the podcast as well as one entry into our monthly giveaway (Prizes to be revealed on the podcast at later date)

Pledge $5 per month

$5 or more per month • 0 patrons

Donating just Five Dollars makes you a star player in our book!  For donating this amount you will recieve a custom shoutout on the podcast as well as three entries into our monthly giveaway (Prizes to be revealed on the podcast at later date).

In addition, if you chose to accept, you'll be in the running to win a chance be a special guest on the podcast for some of the juciest One Tree Hill Episodes!


Ball is Life and Podcastin is not Cheap

Greetings Listeners!


At this point I hope you all have been enjoying our deep dive into One Tree Hill, we certainly have. Our hope is that each week we get you just as excited about taking a stroll through the show as we get. DO we always stick to One Tree Hill, sort of. We have big ideas for the future of this podcast and we still have a long way through the series to go. We're committed to keep bringing our A game to make sure you guys keep coming back.


We have some great ideas down the pipline like giveaways and bits, but keeping the podcast running already has it's expenses. We need better equipment and funds to keep resources as well as purchase items for giveaways of Dvd's and CD's. I'm sure you heard us mention it (Hopefully you have, because if not, why are you reading this? Stop now and go download our cast and then decide to donate!)but we could really use your help. If you're in the giving mood, please support us, because unlike Karen, Keith and Deb we aren't mildly successful business owners who can just drop money like it's nothing. We'll also make a point of thanking each individual donor on the cast and with giveaways!

If you become a patron to There's Only One Tree Hill..., you’ll immediately get access to as many as 0 patron-only posts.

$10 -Time for a giveaway and Live Adventure

$10 per month

Reaching this amount would honestly be golden. With this amount we could buy better mics, get better editing software, sustain our monthly hosting fees and have money for giveaways! And who doesn't like giveaways!


The July 2017 Giveaway- The Road Mix: Music From One Tree Hill Volume 3, a $10 giftcard and a Mystery T-Shirt. Also if we reach $10 in pledgers, we'll stream a live feed of us in a cemetary looking for a gravedigger and give away a mystery prize during the live stream!


Pledge $1 per month

$1 or more per month • 0 patrons

Donating just One Dollar makes you a saint!  For donating this amount you will recieve a custom shoutout on the podcast as well as one entry into our monthly giveaway (Prizes to be revealed on the podcast at later date)

Pledge $5 per month

$5 or more per month • 0 patrons

Donating just Five Dollars makes you a star player in our book!  For donating this amount you will recieve a custom shoutout on the podcast as well as three entries into our monthly giveaway (Prizes to be revealed on the podcast at later date).

In addition, if you chose to accept, you'll be in the running to win a chance be a special guest on the podcast for some of the juciest One Tree Hill Episodes!