Keep the fight going. God pays for what He orders, perhaps through you?



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$3 or more per month • 10 patrons

The Lord is the one who provides all things. It is my prayer that He will reward you.



$7 or more per month • 23 patrons


$17 or more per month • 16 patrons

The Lord provides all things. I pray He provides you with a reward.


$30 or more per month • 8 patrons

The Lord provides all things, I pray that Jesus will provide you with a reward.


$70 or more per month • 1 patrons

The Lord Jesus provides all things in our lives including our finances. I pray that God provides a great reward for you.


$100 or more per month • 2 patrons

The Lord Jesus provides all things. I pray He provides you a wonderful reward.


$500 or more per month • 0 patrons

The Lord Jesus has provided for you well. Thank you for a substantial investment into me and this show. I pray that God bless you in a truly meaningful way.

Truly Blessed

$1000 or more per month • 0 patrons

You are Blessed to have the ability to support in this capacity. I truly thank the Lord for His provision in your life and with gratitude for your stewardship and support to me in this fight. I pray that God will do something so spectacular for you and that He touches your life in the way that only the Lord can. May God multiply His greatness in your life.


Keep the fight going. God pays for what He orders, perhaps through you?

 Genisis 12:3 And I will bless those that bless thee.

I am a Disciple in the Way of Jesus Christ our Lord. I started this Podcast simply because my eyes had been opened and I refuse to stand before the Lord one day having known and done nothing.

The Purpose of this broadcast is to extend the Kingdom of God and have His light expose the darkness.

Isiah 41:10 Fear thou not for I am with thee; for I am thy God. I will strengthen thee; yea, I will uphold thee and with the right hand of my righteousness. 

This is a battle of Good vs. Evil. I am fighting and I cannot do it without your support.

Money raised will support me and keep us the ROR family in the fight. Donations will show as "The Speakers Company" this is to minimalize the amount that goes to the government.

God bless you,


Live Right in the Real World

News, views, opinions and attitudes.

We are your news now. Keep the Faith!

Keep the Faith.

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Keep Right on Radio on air. Will you sow into Broadcasting REAL Truth.

$5,000 per month

Because this show releases information that is contrary to the media government narrative I (Jeff) have lost my career of over 30 years. I am asking the listeners to support the show and keep me going. I truly believe God pays for what he orders, perhaps through you.

When we are united, numerous and strong we have a powerful and impactful voice.

Yes, we can make a difference in this world. We serve the Lord Jesus Christ.

If you become a patron to Right on Radio, you’ll immediately get access to as many as 28 patron-only posts.
  • The molv704's Podcast Creator
    The molv704's Podcast 5 months ago
    Jeff I saw you on NinosCorner.TV tonight and agreed with all you shared. It was strange you brought up the snake poem, I thought hard about that one last week and decided it was about Trump himself. Keeping a relationship with Jesus is everything and sharing the gospel with others for salvation is the most important thing we do in life. No fear, hanging close to GOD. thank you!
  • The sbiscornet's Podcast Creator
    The sbiscornet's Podcast 10 months ago
    Sorry Jeff. I had to stop supporting you because I lost my job. I will  donate in stream as i get a little income. I only once ask for a prayer for my husband's diabetes, but found you to consider this not to be a real disease but rather ignorance. Whatever it may be, it is causing much suffering, both physically and financially. I will not ask again. This is another club i am not in, thats just it
  • The sentback1978's Podcast Creator
    The sentback1978's Podcast 2023-08-28
    I recently found Right on Radio. I am blessed to hear the Word of God spoken and discussed by a man who has put all his faith in
    God, like I have. It is good to not be alone.
  • The kim7721238's Podcast Creator
    The kim7721238's Podcast 2023-08-15
    Jeff, thank you! What a blessing a chapter of Proverbs has been and your focus on stewardship. I am looking at one of commentary which expounds upon Proverbs 1:1-2: "Displine derives from knowledge based on experiences, including learning from mistakes..." We are all learning with you. Thank you for your increasing courage and increasing humility which is the strength of the spirit. Haggai 2:3-9 is for you: "Take courage now...For I am with you...My spirit remains with you..."
  • The marckee's Podcast Creator
    The marckee's Podcast 2023-05-25
    Jeff, I met you while back when Jessie started with you. But you have stood fast for long time giving us lots. Hope this helps.
  • The aubreyortega's Podcast Creator
    The aubreyortega's Podcast 2023-01-06
    I don't have much, but maybe I can buy you a soda every month 🤣 You're awesome, Jeff. Thanks for 2+ yrs of inspiration. I've loved growing with you. I'm not going anywhere!
  • The annapiajansson's Podcast Creator
    The annapiajansson's Podcast 2022-09-23
    Thank you Jeff
  • The sheilaclark16's Podcast Creator
    The sheilaclark16's Podcast 2022-04-11
    So blessed to find Right On Radio. Jeff, Jessie, Cisco and many others are helping to bring me closer to God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and to understanding the Bible.
  • The wolflutton's Podcast Creator
    The wolflutton's Podcast 2022-03-07
    Howdy Jeff & Jess:)
  • The debbieinitaly's Podcast Creator
    The debbieinitaly's Podcast 2022-03-02
    Danggit- didn’t think that was a public comment. Feel free to delete!! Deb

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$3 or more per month • 10 patrons

The Lord is the one who provides all things. It is my prayer that He will reward you.



$7 or more per month • 23 patrons


$17 or more per month • 16 patrons

The Lord provides all things. I pray He provides you with a reward.


$30 or more per month • 8 patrons

The Lord provides all things, I pray that Jesus will provide you with a reward.


$70 or more per month • 1 patrons

The Lord Jesus provides all things in our lives including our finances. I pray that God provides a great reward for you.


$100 or more per month • 2 patrons

The Lord Jesus provides all things. I pray He provides you a wonderful reward.


$500 or more per month • 0 patrons

The Lord Jesus has provided for you well. Thank you for a substantial investment into me and this show. I pray that God bless you in a truly meaningful way.

Truly Blessed

$1000 or more per month • 0 patrons

You are Blessed to have the ability to support in this capacity. I truly thank the Lord for His provision in your life and with gratitude for your stewardship and support to me in this fight. I pray that God will do something so spectacular for you and that He touches your life in the way that only the Lord can. May God multiply His greatness in your life.