Rob And Cale Show

Support the Rob and Cale show!!



$16of $500

per month

3.2% funded

Your pledge per month?

Become a Patron
Pledge $1 per month

$1 or more per month • 4 patrons

A Thank you on both of our twitter feeds and facebook feeds.

Live mention during the show.


Pledge $10 per month

$10 or more per month • 1 patrons

A Thank you on both of our twitter feeds and facebook feeds.

Live mention during the show.

After 3 donations you get to come on the show and do a segment with us. <limit 1 segment per quarter>

Pledge $50 per month

$50 or more per month • 0 of 1 patrons

A Thank you on both of our twitter feeds and facebook feeds.

Live mention during the show.

After 3 donations you get to come on the show and do a segment with us. <limit 1 segment per quarter>



Support the Rob and Cale show!!

2 guys who love sports but support different schools. The podcast divided! A Clemson guy and a Carolina guy slinging and spinning the facts to support the teams they love. Thank you for your support as we start our new adventure.

If you become a patron to Rob And Cale Show, you’ll immediately get access to as many as 0 patron-only posts.

Setup and production cost for the year.

$500 per month

This first goal will cover the cost of setup and production for the show for the first year.


Pledge $1 per month

$1 or more per month • 4 patrons

A Thank you on both of our twitter feeds and facebook feeds.

Live mention during the show.


Pledge $10 per month

$10 or more per month • 1 patrons

A Thank you on both of our twitter feeds and facebook feeds.

Live mention during the show.

After 3 donations you get to come on the show and do a segment with us. <limit 1 segment per quarter>

Pledge $50 per month

$50 or more per month • 0 of 1 patrons

A Thank you on both of our twitter feeds and facebook feeds.

Live mention during the show.

After 3 donations you get to come on the show and do a segment with us. <limit 1 segment per quarter>



Top patrons