Sleep Easy

Sort Your Sleep To Thrive in Life!



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Your question & name podcast

$1 or more per month • 0 patrons

As a thank you for your donation I will answer your question and mention your name (unless you state otherwise) and create a podcast collection of the audience's questions every month. Let'd do this!

$5-$10 donation  ask me 1 question

$11-$20 donation ask me 2 questions

$21-$50 3 ask me 3 questions 


Looking forward to your questions!!! 


Sort Your Sleep To Thrive in Life!

Greetings to you!

This podcast was created and is sustained from a deep passion of bringing knowledge that is often kept at universities or ancient yogic texts to all who are interested, but don't have access to this precious, supportive, informing, empowering, thrive-inducing information!!! 


It takes a lot of energy to learn for many years, then create a script tailored to the general public, plus a certain passion to jump into a recording studio and create the recordings, and let's not forget the immensity of post editing and making the sound great - a process for sure! 


After that the trick is to reach the beloved public, so they can benefit! 


My passion and philosophy is that if I can somehow contribute to help another human to thrive more, then I am deeply satisfied! This in itself it more rewarding than anything! 


And yes, there are quite large costs involved, besides a lot of  personal time, for those of you who don't know:  it costs money to be on a hosting platform, to store data on the laptop, to get best possible microphones and equipment, to get podcast distribution, to get sound editing with sound engineers, transcription notes and audio snippets plus show notes. It was a steep learning curve and takes more time than one may realise! 


I was super grateful to discover a fabulous podcast recording studio a 10 minute walk from my residence in St.Kilda, Victoria. At least that saved me hours of tram rides. But even hiring that space took organisation, adjustments and of course money. 


So any support you will offer me, I assure you, will go towards making these podcasts even better, more frequent, more smooth, perhaps including video alongside too! I have so much to offer, and would truly love to share it all, to give you greater options for greater thriving! I am very clear on how I direct the flow of money and very strict about my intentions to honour these. So yes, all that you help through contributions goes back into these very podcasts for you and society! 


Thank you in advance, from my heart and soul! 

Cheers, Sabine 

If you become a patron to Sleep Easy, you’ll immediately get access to as many as 0 patron-only posts.

100 per month for better sleep, thriving and success

$100 per month

My goal is to help me support you by raising extra money for my ongoing production costs/hosting fees or upgrading equipment, adding new content, doing a special feature and overall making the podcasts even better!


Your question & name podcast

$1 or more per month • 0 patrons

As a thank you for your donation I will answer your question and mention your name (unless you state otherwise) and create a podcast collection of the audience's questions every month. Let'd do this!

$5-$10 donation  ask me 1 question

$11-$20 donation ask me 2 questions

$21-$50 3 ask me 3 questions 


Looking forward to your questions!!! 


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