Solutions for America’s Most Pressing Issues.



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Solutions for America’s Most Pressing Issues.

Welcome to the podcast! I'm here to invite you to join a movement, leveraging my 25 years of experience in tactical, operational, and strategic planning, honed through dedicated service to our great country. In this series, I dive into some of the most pressing issues facing America today, offering not just analysis, but actionable solutions.

Aren't you tired of trying the same solutions and getting the same failed results? So am I. That's why I'm presenting out-of-the-box solutions designed to truly benefit people and put them in a better place. With a forward-looking vision and optimism for the future, we can turn things around.

It's time to put the petty partisan parade to rest. Here, you'll find a step-by-step plan to see us through, focusing on real change and progress.

I need your energy and commitment as engaged citizens to help me take these solutions and turn them into action, pushing forward to get our country moving in the right direction.

It's time to go beyond talking about change—let's make it happen. GET UP and join me! Let's get to work!

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American Immigration Solution

$500 per month
  • Starting the process to generate funds that will help with solving the American Immigration problem, which is an International problem. Not just money, but need support for equipment and training of migrants, Green Energy expertise and ideas, political energy to get our government(s) to put this solution up front now, in all countries invested in the immigration problem.


Solution Finder

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