Making life-changing Word of God understandable and accessible to all!



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  • Thank you email.

Pledge $5 Per Month

$5 or more per month • 0 patrons

  • A Thank You note on the show.
  • Thank you email.
  • Name listed on show’s patrons list and a shout-out on a show
  • Early access to new episodes
Pledge $12 Per Month

$12 or more per month • 1 patrons

  • A Thank You note on the show.
  • Thank you email.
  • Name listed on show’s patrons list and a shout-out on a show.
  • Early access to new episodes.
  • Access to patron-only bonus content. This patron-only content includes interviews on crucial topics, and also solo podcast content.
  • Participate in a closed fan Facebook group.
Pledge $25 Per Month

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  • A Thank You note on the show.
  • Thank you email.
  • Name listed on show’s patrons list and a shout-out on a show.
  • Early access to new episodes.
  • Access to patron-only bonus content. This patron-only content includes interviews on crucial topics, and also solo podcast content.
  • Participate in a closed fan Facebook group.
  • Patron can read a short message on the show, or call in as a special guest.  
  • Patron can determine a show topic.

Making life-changing Word of God understandable and accessible to all!

I am Joel Madasu, a third-generation Christian, born on September 23, 1981. I am raised in a Baptist Pastor’s family as the youngest son among three sisters and one brother. My father Joshua Madasu and my mother Grace Madasu, are in the ministry in India, for over forty years.

The Lord has given me the privilege to go to a Bible college and to achieve training for the ministry. I have finished Bachelors of Arts in Pastoral Studies (B.A.P.S) at Pillsbury Baptist Bible College, Owatonna, Minnesota, USA; A Master of Arts in Biblical Studies (M.A.B.S), at Piedmont Baptist College and Graduate School in Winston Salem, North Carolina, USA; and a Ph.D., (O.T. Concentration) at Piedmont International University, Winston Salem, North Carolina, USA.

God placed a burden in my heart to reach people with His life-changing Word. My heart’s desire is to teach the Word of God. I am praying that God will use me for His glory and that He will do His will in my life.

Why should you care about supporting the podcast?

So you can be a part of this ministry; change lives, impact lives towards making the right decision by listening to the "Truth" - The Word of God - "Truth" - Christ Jesus. God commands us to make disciples; to share His Gospel. By donating/supporting you are enabling me to provide Truth to the audience, and to continue to Podcast!

Investment for Podcast Creation

$200 per month

These funds will be invested back into podcast production, production costs, hosting fee, providing new content. Preparing each episode content, and editing each episode comes at a substantial cost of time and money. 


Pledge $2 Per Month

$2 or more per month • 0 patrons

  • A Thank You note on the show.
  • Thank you email.

Pledge $5 Per Month

$5 or more per month • 0 patrons

  • A Thank You note on the show.
  • Thank you email.
  • Name listed on show’s patrons list and a shout-out on a show
  • Early access to new episodes
Pledge $12 Per Month

$12 or more per month • 1 patrons

  • A Thank You note on the show.
  • Thank you email.
  • Name listed on show’s patrons list and a shout-out on a show.
  • Early access to new episodes.
  • Access to patron-only bonus content. This patron-only content includes interviews on crucial topics, and also solo podcast content.
  • Participate in a closed fan Facebook group.
Pledge $25 Per Month

$25 or more per month • 0 patrons

  • A Thank You note on the show.
  • Thank you email.
  • Name listed on show’s patrons list and a shout-out on a show.
  • Early access to new episodes.
  • Access to patron-only bonus content. This patron-only content includes interviews on crucial topics, and also solo podcast content.
  • Participate in a closed fan Facebook group.
  • Patron can read a short message on the show, or call in as a special guest.  
  • Patron can determine a show topic.

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