The Talented Magical Mommies Club

Support Ariella Vaccarino’s Talented Magical Mommies Podcast, help it to grow!



$0of $1,000

per month

0% funded

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Become a Patron
High 5!

$5 or more per month • 0 patrons

A thank you on our website and Facebook group.

Big Smile

$10 or more per month • 0 patrons

A thank you on our website and Facebook group.

I will shout your name out at the end of my upcoming episode!!

Warm hug!

$20 or more per month • 0 patrons

A thank you on our website and Facebook group.

I will shout your name out at the end of my upcoming episode!!

I will post your picture and your description on my facebook group and website.

You lift me up!

$50 or more per month • 0 patrons

A thank you on our website and Facebook group.

I will shout your name out at the end of my upcoming episode!!

I will post your picture and your description on my facebook group and website.

I will create a reel (video) thank you and post on all my social Media platforms.  Can include your pics and story!

Pledge $100 per month

$100 or more per month • 0 patrons

A thank you on our website and Facebook group.

I will shout your name out at the end of my upcoming episode!!

I will post your picture and your description on my facebook group and website.

I will create a reel (video) thank you and post on all my social Media platforms.  

Can include your pics and story!

I will have you on a call on the show to tell us your story. (if you have a business you can promote it during that call)


Support Ariella Vaccarino’s Talented Magical Mommies Podcast, help it to grow!

Thanks so much for considering to help fund this podcast.  The Talented Magical Mommies Club is a "Passion Project" of mine.  I am so inspired to connect with other mommies who have experienced balancing their talents with their motherhood.  Your support will help make this an ongoing path I can take.

Creating these podcasts take time.  As many of you know I am mother to 5 kids, a wife, a dog owner (of 5), a voice and piano teacher, and I have another podcast- Momentum  I also am te creator of Voice Lessons To Go- an singing educational product line.  It is a lot...

 But this is who I am.  I want all of this to flourish and I am using this podcast, The Talented Magical Mommies Club, to connect with my inner artist and start to shine again- whether I sing again, act, do voice-over, improv.  Wherever it takes me.  This podcast can help me to do that  while helping other moms do the same. 

As it grows I hope to create events for other moms to get in touch with their creativity and talents.

If this podcast gets proper funding, sponsership and or advertising, I will have the ability to do wondrous things with it. :)- Ariella 

 As I continue on, I hope to expand the podcast which of course takes more time and money.  Your support will help me make that happen.  Thank you!

If you become a patron to The Talented Magical Mommies Club, you’ll immediately get access to as many as 0 patron-only posts.

Podcast Promotion

$1,000 per month

I need help to promote The Talented Magical Mommies Club.  I have the time to create these episodes and interview.  But I am lacking on time and knowledge for promotion.

 Having someone, and eventually a fantastic team to help me grow this podcast and this movement to get moms in touch with their talents and creativity can help to make that happen.

I am being pulled in many directions.  Help is what I need.

These episodes need to be edited, published and PR and SEO need to happen consistantly to grow the audience. 



High 5!

$5 or more per month • 0 patrons

A thank you on our website and Facebook group.

Big Smile

$10 or more per month • 0 patrons

A thank you on our website and Facebook group.

I will shout your name out at the end of my upcoming episode!!

Warm hug!

$20 or more per month • 0 patrons

A thank you on our website and Facebook group.

I will shout your name out at the end of my upcoming episode!!

I will post your picture and your description on my facebook group and website.

You lift me up!

$50 or more per month • 0 patrons

A thank you on our website and Facebook group.

I will shout your name out at the end of my upcoming episode!!

I will post your picture and your description on my facebook group and website.

I will create a reel (video) thank you and post on all my social Media platforms.  Can include your pics and story!

Pledge $100 per month

$100 or more per month • 0 patrons

A thank you on our website and Facebook group.

I will shout your name out at the end of my upcoming episode!!

I will post your picture and your description on my facebook group and website.

I will create a reel (video) thank you and post on all my social Media platforms.  

Can include your pics and story!

I will have you on a call on the show to tell us your story. (if you have a business you can promote it during that call)


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