The Ten Frame

Help artists who want to making a living doing what they love!



$10of $100

per month

10% funded

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Bronze Patron

$1 or more per month • 0 patrons

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Silver Patron

$5 or more per month • 0 patrons

A thank you on the show or site

A sponsorship of your product or service, read by the host

Thank you email

Gold Patron

$10 or more per month • 1 patrons

A personal thank you video from the hosts

A thank you on the show or site

A sponsorship of your product or service, read by the host

Thank you email


Help artists who want to making a living doing what they love!

Artists Kelly Thompson and Kevin Kirkwood are on a journey to gain information about how to make a career out of being creative, and they want to share this to help other emerging artists! This hunger for knowledge about the inner-workings of the art world propels them to connect with other professional artists, art collectors, gallerists, curators and anyone else who has helpful information to pass along. They have completed and made available the first 10 episodes, and have many scheduled. This endeavor has associated costs such as equipment, travel expenses and monthly subscription fees. Please help them keep this project going so they can help as many fellow artists as possible!

If you become a patron to The Ten Frame, you’ll immediately get access to as many as 0 patron-only posts.

Monthly 150

$100 per month

Our goal is to collect $150 per month to cover our operating expenses, and help push us to the next level. Our next goal will be to have enough saved to add a video component, which will help us share artwork, processes and an actual glimpse of the behind-the-scenes grit.


Bronze Patron

$1 or more per month • 0 patrons

A thank you on the show or site

Thank you email

Silver Patron

$5 or more per month • 0 patrons

A thank you on the show or site

A sponsorship of your product or service, read by the host

Thank you email

Gold Patron

$10 or more per month • 1 patrons

A personal thank you video from the hosts

A thank you on the show or site

A sponsorship of your product or service, read by the host

Thank you email


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