The trucker‘s Podcast, FYI

The Trucker’s Podcast FYI



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The Trucker’s Podcast FYI

Help support the Trucker's Podcast FYI, By making a donation, which would allow me to focus on  creating new content on a daily basis. what really matters to all of us and the social issues we face today Thank you to all my listeners and followers

improve equipment keep the show on air incurring monthly cost

$5 per month

I have been podcasting now for over three years, with over 400 shows .the enjoyment and the listeners from around the world that drives me to continue generally my shows are Saturday and Sunday mornings. by becoming a patron donor it will help me create new content on a daily basis to show case the social issues we all face today 

To be able to create content on a daily basis

$10 per month

My goal is to bring more content to the show such as talking about the social issues that many of are facing today , what the Government is doing and what their not doing. bringing guest on the show to discuss these issues

Short Documentary film

$20 per month


Every day life challenges such as housing, income, mental health your donation will help me launch this project to bring you informative information about what is being done about these issues people face today and into the future thank you


Pledge $5 per month

$10 or more per month • 0 patrons






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