XtremeRealityCheck Podcast

Need your help to accomplish this mission... seriously, please help if you feel led to do so. THANKS



$70of $2,000

per month

3.5% funded

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Honor and appreciation for Joining our team

$10 or more per month • 3 patrons

A thank you on the show or site...

And I'll contact you personally if you provide your email.

Access to patrons-only comments


(And some spontaneous periodic surprises)


Need your help to accomplish this mission... seriously, please help if you feel led to do so. THANKS

Please help us spread the Great Awakening to more Humans FASTER.  Time is ticking and we have a LOT of souls to reach.  Please join forces with us... WE CAN DO THIS together!

Here are other ways to support this effort... and videos describing our cause:







PO Box 1363

Centralia IL 62801

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Livestreams and call in shows every week

$2,000 per month

All of the viewers in this community have voices that need to be heard.  We each have a testimony of our own amazing life experiences.  I'd like to free up enough time to do live stream call in shows and zoom conference roundtables.

But I'm a single Mom who works 3 jobs... I barely squeeze out enough time to do the pre-recorded shows late at night and in spare moments.  If my work here can earn some supplemental income, then that will free me up from some of my other time-eating jobs, to do what my passion really is... THIS!

If you appreciate my work and want to help support this podcast, I would sincerely appreciate it.

If not, I love you and appreciate you anyway.  And I'm so honored that you even take the time to tune into this podcast.  Thanks you all so much!


  • The sarahjames1978's Podcast Creator
    The sarahjames1978's Podcast 2020-11-17
    Hello Jan,

    I’ve recently came across your channel a few weeks ago and have been going through & sharing all the recorded videos in your playlist. I thank God for you & the faithful work you have done & continue to do. I am one of the ones that was meant to cross your path & because of your faithfulness & obedience God has worked through you to bring me back home unto Himself. May Our Father continue to bless you exceedingly, abundantly above all you can ask or think.

    In His Service,

    Sarah J


Honor and appreciation for Joining our team

$10 or more per month • 3 patrons

A thank you on the show or site...

And I'll contact you personally if you provide your email.

Access to patrons-only comments


(And some spontaneous periodic surprises)


Top patrons