The Amateur Church Podcast

Pursuing Excellence in Ministry with the Right Motivation...Love for Christ and Others



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Pursuing Excellence in Ministry with the Right Motivation...Love for Christ and Others

This is a call for anyone who is tired of church being a "programmed organization". I want to be an Amateur, at least in the sense that how I lead, preach, and serve is based on LOVE. I want my love for Jesus Christ and my love for others to be my motivation. This is not a push to become lazy or unskilled in our abilities. In fact, I believe that when churches get back to being amateurs, we will actually see greater excellence in our lifestyles. Will you join me in rejecting a professional Christianity that seeks my own glory and rediscovering a passion for Christ and His church?

Your donation helps to provide audio content and a curriculum that will encourage people to study the Word of God, grow in their relationship with Christ, and become equipped to train others in discipleship.

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Fund the Podcast

$150 per month

This would fund the podcast for a year.


$500 per month

Not only could we provide an audio commentary, but also a PDF and Printed Version of Discipleship Curriculum


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$1 or more per month • 1 patrons

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