The Bible Message without Patriarchy

God's Message of Love for Humanity, Without a Patriarchal Bias



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A note of thanks for your support in helping to remove patriarchal bias from God's message of love for humanity.


God's Message of Love for Humanity, Without a Patriarchal Bias

Many women today find reading portions of the Bible to be a hurtful experience.  In far too many English translations, they read passages that seem incredibly prejudiced against women.  What many people do not seem to realize is that this prejudice cannot be found in the oldest, most consistently reliable manuscripts of both Old and New Testaments.  In fact a strong patriarchal bias against women was introduced into Bible translation and commentary beginning in the 3rd and 4th centuries AD.

In this podcast series we plan to share the Bible's story of God's love for humanity, highlighting passages from the book of Genesis through to the book of Revelation.  We will be reading from a number of different English translations that have taken some important steps towards correcting the error of patriarchal bias.  We will also take a close look at the oldest Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic manuscripts of the Bible, contrasting these with later copies and translations.

In addition to examining ancient Bible manuscripts, we will also take an in-depth look at the historical and cultural context of the biblical books, to get a better sense of how their message was understood by their original audiences.

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There is no obligation, but listeners are welcome to support this project, however they may feel led to do so. 

  • The vrybare2's Podcast Creator
    The vrybare2's Podcast 2018-02-04
    Every born again believer should watch and be set free,in Jesus name this is whole truth!! Halleluia


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A note of thanks for your support in helping to remove patriarchal bias from God's message of love for humanity.