Beauty In The Breakdown

Beauty In The Breakdown is a podcast meant to lift up those that need encouragement.



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Beauty In The Breakdown is a podcast meant to lift up those that need encouragement.

I started this podcast to document my journey through sobriety and finding the peace through God.  I have drank for most of my life and quitting alcohol and drying out was one of the toughest things that I've ever had to go through.  During the season of drying out I had to be confronted with who I really was on the inside and also faced a ton of undealt with emotions, closers, and proper grieving for the death of my daughter.  This podcast is my journey into the realization that the only way I can live is through consistent pursuit of the peace of God.

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If you listen to this show and it applies to your life, I encourage you to keep on listening.  I believe that a lot of folks are in the same boat as i am and that's why I'm documenting everything I'm going through in this current transition in life.  i want to build others up and share with others how massively awesome God's grace and mercies truly are.  I'm gaining some followers for this show and I would love some financial support for the reasons of keeping the show going, expanding horizons for proper promotion, artwork, music production, and better equipment.  I am grateful to have you all listening to the show and if you feel like making a financial contribution that would be amazing.  But I'm totally happy with having you listen if you find it helpful.  if you can't give anything towards the show and you need prayer for anything you can always contact me and I will certainly pray for you anything you need it.  Also...If you have a testimony or word of encouragement concerning the show or would just like to tell how good god has been to you, please share it with me.  I'd love to hear how God is moving in your life!

  • The Christinacricksdearing09's Podcast Creator
    The Christinacricksdearing09's Podcast 2023-04-20
    Thank you so much for this podcast and sharing your journey. You were definetly blessed with a gift to communicate through music and words. Grateful for your perspective on scripture as it is helping me understand more of what I read instead of fear it. Thank you!


breaking down the rewards

$5 or more per month • 0 of 1 patrons

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