Coastal Currents with Aaron Reid

Your support is greatly appreciated! Putting the ”kind” back in humankind one episode at a time!



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Your support is greatly appreciated! Putting the ”kind” back in humankind one episode at a time!

Coastal Currents with Aaron Reid was started in December of 2021 as we were trying to work our way out of a worldwide pandemic which caused isolation and immense degradation of human connections are relationships.

The goal of this podcast is connect the community - get to know your neighbours on a deeper level and get into the issues we are facing in our region.

This project has been a passion project - entirely volunteer for my time and completely funded from my own pocket.  Starting a podcast can be easy and cheap, but to start a GOOD podcast and keep it going can be expensive and is very time consuming.  

I book all of my own interviews and I use a scheduling app to help me do that, I have a website for greater reach and presence which carries an annual cost for domain and web hosting, I use audio editing software and sound effects - both of which have an annual cost.  My current equipment set me back a fair bit out of pocket and while it's pretty good, I would really love to upgrade my mics, headphones and recording unit to help make the sound even better and cut down my editing time.

My time on this project has been huge but I have found this project incredibly rewarding on a personal level and the feedback has been great!  

If you enjoy this podcast and are able, I would greatly appreciate a small monthly donation to help me offset the costs of keeping it going.  I'm not looking to make a profit from this podcast, but it would be fabulous not to run so much out of pocket.

Thanks for listening!  Until next time, this is Aaron Reid.

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Upgrade mics and headphones

$400 per month

In order to get better sound quality and comfortable interviews for my guests, I would love to upgrade both my microphones and my headphones. 

I don't have a fancy soundproof studio and would also love to conduct more interviews outside and in other places.  In order to do that without a lot of annoying background noise, I need to upgrade my microphones.  I would also need a couple more if I was to have more than one guest on the podcast at a time.  

The headphones that came with my microphones have a decent sound quality, however, they aren't properly adjustable for some odd reason and even adjusted to their smallest setting didn't fit a lot of my guests correctly.  

Upgrade my recording unit

$1,000 per month

I have a great little portable recording unit.  

However, it is a basic unit without a lot of functionality.  There is another unit I would love to purchase that would help me put together episodes faster as well as cut down on editing time.

This would be my next upgrade after mics and headphones.



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Coastal Currents Superfan

$30 or more per month • 0 patrons

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Coffee with the host



Pledge $75 per month

$75 or more per month • 0 patrons

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Coffee with the show host

A 60 second sponsorship of your product or service, read by the host