Pledge $1 per month
$1 or more per month • 0 of 3 patrons
A thank you on the show & a thank you email from the Connectopod Team! your name posted on the supporter page on
Pledge $2 per month
$2 or more per month • 0 patrons
A thank you on the show & a thank you email from the Connectopod Team! Your name posted on the supporter page on
Downloadable artwork from the connecotpod artists.
GET $2 REWARDPledge $3 per month
$3 or more per month • 0 of 4 patrons
A thank you on the show & a thank you email from the Connectopod Team! Your name posted on the supporter page on
A shoutout on a podcast episode!
GET $3 REWARDPledge $4 per month
$4 or more per month • 0 of 2 patrons
A thank you on the show & a thank you email from the Connectopod Team! Your name posted on the supporter page on
A special occasion shoutout on the show! Birthdays! Special Occasions! Heck, propose to someone!
GET $4 REWARDPledge $5 per month
$5 or more per month • 0 of 2 patrons
A thank you on the show & a thank you email from the Connectopod Team! Your name posted on the supporter page on
A promo for your business, event or show on our podcast connectopod style!
GET $5 REWARDPledge $10 per month
$10 or more per month • 0 of 1 patrons
A thank you on the show & a thank you email from the Connectopod Team! Your name posted on the supporter page on
We will create a commecrcial for your business!
GET $10 REWARDPledge $20 per month
$20 or more per month • 0 of 1 patrons
A thank you on the show & a thank you email from the Connectopod Team! Your name posted on the supporter page on
Be interviewed by connectopod!
GET $20 REWARDPledge $1000 per month
$1000 or more per month • 0 patrons
Be a sponsor and we will mention you on every show and promo your business with every show announcement on all of our social media for one year starting from the moment you sign on.
Connectopod Youth Podcast - You
"You've got a voice, kid. Use it!"
Connectopod connects youth to their communities, their peers, and their voices through storytelling, narrative therapy, and podcast. Since 2017, Connectopod has developed youth leaders with an understanding that every story has multiple points of view and that we are all connected.
Each Connectopod production invites young people to transcend barriers, boundaries, and stereotypes. Our youth journalists ask the tough questions and the fun questions, too. They do the research, and follow their curiosity. They also pick up technical skills, learn how to interview, pump up their literacy, and become confident public speakers. These kids create an online body of work that serves as a resume they can refer to anytime for scholarship applications, jobs, and college applications.
This is where you come in! Your donations will go towards funding our tech fees, equipment, internships, and staff. Each donation will help us to offer our programming free of charge to more libraries, schools, and youth-serving organizations across Los Angeles.
Past Projects and Partners include: “Changing the Narrative - Inglewood” with youth from The Social Justice Learning Institute, “Changing the Narrative - Pacoima,” with youth from Vaughn Next Century Learning Center, CTN - Unhoused Youth - Stories of the TAY, a collaboration with youth served at The Village Family Services in North Hollywood, CA, and Domestic Violence Awareness, a collaboration with Strength United and The Los Angeles Public Library Canoga Park and Encino Branch.
Sponsor a Youth Reporter
Sponsor 1 student's participation in Connectopod Programming for $20 per month.
Sponsor Connectopod‘s marketing efforts to help us reach new listeners
Our listeners benefit from listening to the stories of youth that are often marginalized and go unheard. $25 would help defray our marketing costs for one month. Invest in youth stories by raising their platform!
Sponsor a Collaborative Work Experience for Youth Participants
With some youth programs still closed to youth clients, we need to be able to work virtually. $75 can cover the costs of our virtual workspace software subscriptions (such as Zoom and Dropbox) to keep students engaged and connected even when we cannot meet in person.
Pledge $1 per month
$1 or more per month • 0 of 3 patrons
A thank you on the show & a thank you email from the Connectopod Team! your name posted on the supporter page on
Pledge $2 per month
$2 or more per month • 0 patrons
A thank you on the show & a thank you email from the Connectopod Team! Your name posted on the supporter page on
Downloadable artwork from the connecotpod artists.
GET $2 REWARDPledge $3 per month
$3 or more per month • 0 of 4 patrons
A thank you on the show & a thank you email from the Connectopod Team! Your name posted on the supporter page on
A shoutout on a podcast episode!
GET $3 REWARDPledge $4 per month
$4 or more per month • 0 of 2 patrons
A thank you on the show & a thank you email from the Connectopod Team! Your name posted on the supporter page on
A special occasion shoutout on the show! Birthdays! Special Occasions! Heck, propose to someone!
GET $4 REWARDPledge $5 per month
$5 or more per month • 0 of 2 patrons
A thank you on the show & a thank you email from the Connectopod Team! Your name posted on the supporter page on
A promo for your business, event or show on our podcast connectopod style!
GET $5 REWARDPledge $10 per month
$10 or more per month • 0 of 1 patrons
A thank you on the show & a thank you email from the Connectopod Team! Your name posted on the supporter page on
We will create a commecrcial for your business!
GET $10 REWARDPledge $20 per month
$20 or more per month • 0 of 1 patrons
A thank you on the show & a thank you email from the Connectopod Team! Your name posted on the supporter page on
Be interviewed by connectopod!
GET $20 REWARDPledge $1000 per month
$1000 or more per month • 0 patrons
Be a sponsor and we will mention you on every show and promo your business with every show announcement on all of our social media for one year starting from the moment you sign on.