Pledge $1 per month
$1 or more per month • 1 patrons
Every supporter who donates at least $1 a month will receive a personal thank-you on the Good Things Radio program. As well as receive ongoing prayer on behalf of our family. You will also be entered into a monthly contest for a giveaway!
GET $1 REWARDMeeting the Divine in the Dirt and Grime
My name is Brooke Taylor. I'm a radio personality turned stay-at-home mom. I'm also a speaker, blogger, and occasional You Tuber. My Army-veteran husband and I have five children, including a beautiful special needs daughter whom we adopted from Poland. We are Roman Catholic and we love the outdoors, faith, and family. This podcast was born from a desire to connect with others who are doing their best to live out their faith and make the most of the days we have by focusing on the good things. As a mom, it can be tough to balance the demands of busy life, expectations and limitations.
I pray that this humble podcast will offer ideas of ways to find moments of grace. As a special needs mom, life can be isolating and hard to explain to others. So it is my hope, that this program will offer a connection with others on a similar journey. Humor and friendship, and ultimatley, an opportunity to draw closer to the Lord in a real, meaninful way.
How does it work?
If you believe Good Things Radio is deserving of your support, you can leave a "tip" and pledge any amount (as low as $1 a month!) to GTR. You can donate on a per episode basis ($5 for example) or a per month basis. Any amount is appreciated!
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Good Things Radio Support
"I don't pray for success, I ask for faithfulness."
-Blessed Mother Teresa.
Honestly, my goal in sharing this request is just to somehow be a blessing the GTR listeners, and hope the supporters may find merit in these effots. My goal and prayer is to deliver a high-quality, brand new program every week for Good Things Radio listeners. As the sole curator of content, prep, production elements, there are ongoing costs associated with that. Including but not limited to: production costs, hosting fees, studio equipment, editing software, etc. In addition, it requires time to prepare and record the program, as well as the post-production work.
This is a joy and labor of love, but as a busy mom, can also be hard to justify without a monetary benefit to my family. By receiving even a small compensation to offset my monthly costs, this would allow me to continue growing, and improving Good Things Radio and bless my family during my time away from them to work on Good Things Radio. God bless you, and thank you for your consideration!
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Pledge $1 per month
$1 or more per month • 1 patrons
Every supporter who donates at least $1 a month will receive a personal thank-you on the Good Things Radio program. As well as receive ongoing prayer on behalf of our family. You will also be entered into a monthly contest for a giveaway!
lilnessy2000 2020-11-10
Hey! It’s Vanessa. I don’t know how to donate more than a $1The yudkkp's Podcast 2019-01-07
Brooke, I am thankful that I met Christina and you. Attending the Retreat two years ago was the best gift that my husband and I have ever given our family. It inspired me to look at my faith in a whole new light and to seek more knowledge. I appreciate the ability to ask questions and to have open and honest communications with other women. God Bless you and the team.V/R
The slzimm1's Podcast 2018-09-06
THANK you so much for your ministry. So grateful to have your podcasts as part of my faith walk. God Bless you and your family and hope to see you again soon!The jeannetteau's Podcast 2018-08-29
God bless you, Brooke, and your family! I'm happy to support your mission!Colorado Catholic Mom 2017-05-04
Thank you Brooke for continuing to bring such fantastic content to your podcast. I always look forward to your shows.Colorado Catholic Mom 2017-02-28
Brooke, your show is absolutely inspiring and positive. Thank you for all of the effort you put into it. I can't wait to see you at the Arise Retreat!The catholicmom04's Podcast 2016-09-12
Thank you Brooke for your wonderful podcast! I haven't been able to listen in a while and I'm catching up on several episodes. Each episode is like a little mini retreat for me. You've discussed topics that have touched me and my family and it's good to know that we are not alone, and others have some of the same experiences. I can't wait for Arise 2017!khaduch 2016-08-18
HI Brooke - I don't know if Podbean was having a problem with my credit card, I kept getting error messages from them, the card works everywhere else. I changed cards, and upped the pledge for the time being, in case a month was missed. God bless!Kgmomgo 2016-02-09
I've enjoyed your show from the beginning. I don't always agree with everything you have to say, but I appreciate your perspective. I agree with your mom, too. That "...figured it out" part grates on me and sometimes I forward through it. Please don't cheer for my donation on your show. I'm a somewhat quiet person. I am thinking of the retreat with both excitement and nerves. It will be the first time in their lives I haven't seen my children for at least a small slice of the day. God blessjmaravi336 2016-01-02
Love you and your show, Brooke. Looking forward to the retreat. God bless you and your family.Julie