
One is a former journalist who was on the groundfloor of social media before his news organization s...



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Betahavmydonutz only has 50 followers, but badnewsramen has 700+ on twitter.


One is a former journalist who was on the groundfloor of social media before his news organization s...

One is a former journalist who was on the groundfloor of social media before his news organization shut down. The other is a teacher who had to peddle BBQ grills, but is in his second year befor he gets tenure. We just want to make enough money to pay for our podbean fees so our wives don’t yell at us.

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Pay for our service fees ... if not we can

$200 per month

If we can’t pay for our Podbean fees ... our wives will put us in the doghouse.


Pledge $1 per month

$1 or more per month • 0 patrons

A shoutout. You are now a sponsor!

Betahavmydonutz only has 50 followers, but badnewsramen has 700+ on twitter.


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