Point of Insanity Network

Point of Insanity Game Studio is a small press role playing game company based in Appleton, Wisconsi...



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0% funded

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Pledge $3 per month

$3 or more per month • 0 patrons

Pledge $3 per month and I will recognize you on the show. I might include additional rewards depending on how many people are willing to sponsor the show.


Point of Insanity Game Studio is a small press role playing game company based in Appleton, Wisconsi...

Point of Insanity Game Studio is a small press role playing game company based in Appleton, Wisconsin. In addition to the Geekery in General podcast POIGS offers a variety of role playing games and systemless products designed to be used with any RPG.

Pledges gained through this crowdfunding effort will be used to cover the $10 monthly fee to host this podcast. If you enjoy the content I produce I greatly appreciate the assistance. You can also support the show by purchasing products from Point of Insanity Game Studio's online store at http://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse/pub/2995/Point-of-Insanity-Game-Studio.

You can learn more about Point of Insanity Game Studio at my website www.poigamestudio.com or the POI Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Point-of-Insanity-Game-Studio/149717288392659.


If you become a patron to Point of Insanity Network, you’ll immediately get access to as many as 0 patron-only posts.

Podcast hosting fees for 1 year.

$10 per month

This goal is to cover one year's worth of podcasting fees. Additional funds raised may be used to purchase new recording equipment.


Pledge $3 per month

$3 or more per month • 0 patrons

Pledge $3 per month and I will recognize you on the show. I might include additional rewards depending on how many people are willing to sponsor the show.