Pledge $3 per month
$3 or more per month • 0 patrons
Pledge $3 per month and I will recognize you on the show. I might include additional rewards depending on how many people are willing to sponsor the show.
GET $3 REWARDPoint of Insanity Game Studio is a small press role playing game company based in Appleton, Wisconsi...
Point of Insanity Game Studio is a small press role playing game company based in Appleton, Wisconsin. In addition to the Geekery in General podcast POIGS offers a variety of role playing games and systemless products designed to be used with any RPG.
Pledges gained through this crowdfunding effort will be used to cover the $10 monthly fee to host this podcast. If you enjoy the content I produce I greatly appreciate the assistance. You can also support the show by purchasing products from Point of Insanity Game Studio's online store at
You can learn more about Point of Insanity Game Studio at my website or the POI Facebook page at
Podcast hosting fees for 1 year.
This goal is to cover one year's worth of podcasting fees. Additional funds raised may be used to purchase new recording equipment.
Pledge $3 per month
$3 or more per month • 0 patrons
Pledge $3 per month and I will recognize you on the show. I might include additional rewards depending on how many people are willing to sponsor the show.