Pledge $5 per month
$5 or more per month • 0 patrons
Anyone who makes a monthly $5 donation will receive an autographed copy of my book "Power PR: The Ethnic Activists Guide to Strategic Communications."
GET $5 REWARD10-24-15 Interfaith Comedy Show from Ray Hanania on Vimeo.
Unique American Arab, Muslim & Middle East podcast of our live radio show with Ray Hanania
There are so few media options out there where Americans can understand the Middle East issues and Ray Hanania's podcast is one of only a few of those options.
Ray Hanania has been a journalist covering Chicago City Hall for two decades and now manages media relations while supervising a media network that helps promote the Moderate American Arab view on the Middle East. Israel and Palestine.
No other American Arab offers more insight, columns, perspectives, radio talkshow commentary and guest interviews than Ray Hanania who has dedicated his life to fighting for peace and justice for everyone in the Middle East, and to help Americans better understand who Arabs and Muslims really are.
But it's not easy. Your support to help keep this network afloat is so important and it can help make a difference, educating the public and the truth about American Arabs, the Arab people and what we strive to attain.
Thank you for your support.
Support Ray Hanania's American Arab Media Network
The funds we raise will be used to underwrite the costs of the podcast and expand them to weekly broadcasts, and also to help publicize the news blog which offers alternative understandings of the Middle East conflict.
Funds will specifically cover:
-- Expanding The Arab Daily News Radio Show and podcasts to weekly broadcast
-- Publicize and produce more content for website
-- create a communications network to help Arab and Muslims share their information, events and opinions not just in the Arab and Muslim community, but also to non-Arabs throughout America
We will publicize any fund amounts raised and provide a weekly update on how any donations are spent towards these goals. No money will be used for any personal use at all outside of the production and broadcast and publicity for and TheArabDailyNews media network
Without your support, it is a constant struggle to produce the podcasts, radio shows and columns. It's an uphill fight battling news media bias and a lack of true education about American Arabs and Muslims.
Your contribution, no matter what amount, will help break the glass ceiling and give American Arabs a positive voice that will help this country.
Thank you
Pledge $5 per month
$5 or more per month • 0 patrons
Anyone who makes a monthly $5 donation will receive an autographed copy of my book "Power PR: The Ethnic Activists Guide to Strategic Communications."