The Industry dot Biz (Pennies from Kevin)

KevRoss: Radio pro with over 25 years experience. Worked in every area of the music industry includi...



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 For $50 contribution we will thank you on the site  as well as the next podcast  and mention your business or your product and/or what you are working on and we will thank you for your support. 


KevRoss: Radio pro with over 25 years experience. Worked in every area of the music industry includi...

KevRoss: Radio pro with over 25 years experience. Worked in every area of the music industry including: Singer, Radio Jock, Program Director, Record Promoter, Magazine Editor, Urban Network Rap Editor and Radio Facts Editor. 


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Help Us To the Radio Facts Podcast Weekly

$1,200 per month

I would like to do the podcast weekly, and provide great information and insight to the music and radio industry and beyond. In order to do that I need to hire a small staff to help me with it. My goal is to talk about things that commercial urban radio doesn't talk about but certainly needs to address. I'd like to talk about subjects like Religion, Mental Illness, The Legal System, Prisons, Addiction, Health, Psychology, Entrepreneurship, Gay and Lesbian issues and more as it pertains to the African-American community. We have many potential guests to be on the show and I've been trying to do it for three years but I need to hire a producer as well as editors. Our previous shows have done very well but unfortunately I did all the editing and producing which takes an inordinate amount of time and effort after hosting.


Pledge $20 per month

$20 or more per month • 0 patrons

For $20 contribution,  we will thank you on the site for your support

Pledge $50 per month

$50 or more per month • 0 patrons

 For $50 contribution we will thank you on the site  as well as the next podcast  and mention your business or your product and/or what you are working on and we will thank you for your support.