Latter-Day Dad

Please Support Dads Being Dads...who need a hobby!!! No Really!!



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$25 Gets you a guest spot on the show!


Please Support Dads Being Dads...who need a hobby!!! No Really!!

This podcast came to be because of a conversation between my Brother-in-Law and I. We were talking about the things that drive us nuts, worry us, and upset us as dads. It is a CRAZY world we live in right now! That, among other reasons, can make it difficult to raise well-adjusted kids. I have been listening to a few different podcasts for a couple of years now and I really enjoy them. Maybe it was all those years of listening to AM talk radio with my grandpa…who knows. But as we were talking, I thought a podcast would be a great platform to kind of vent, express concerns, talk it out, and help each other out as dads. My vision is for this podcast is to be able to be an outlet for dads. Any money raised would be used for equipment. Right now we are using a, that’s one, USB mic and my everyday laptop. I would like to purchase a couple of mics (so Mario and I don’t have an awkward hour of recording every time), an audio interface, and a new computer that would be dedicated exclusively to the podcast. We are excited to be able to bring this podcast to you, and hope to make it huge for all the dads out there! We appreciate your support!

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Mics and Audio Interface

$500 per month

This money would be used to purchase 2 mics and an audio interface. This is so that Mario and I aren't talking into the same mic. Thanks


Pledge $5 per month

$5 or more per month • 0 patrons

$5 gets you a definite shout out on the show!

Pledge $25 per month

$25 or more per month • 0 of 3 patrons

$25 Gets you a guest spot on the show!


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