Vocally Versatile

Advocacy for transgender issues, education, corporate training and support of the community.



$0of $200

per month

0% funded

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Become a Patron
Pledge $5 per month

$5 or more per month • 0 patrons

You will be mentioned in the podcast and your name will appear on the donors list of the youtube channel (name only). 

Pledge $50 per month

$50 or more per month • 0 patrons

LGBT (Trans) Ohio messanger bag.  You will be mentioned in the podcast and your name will appear on the donors list of the youtube channel (name only).  


Advocacy for transgender issues, education, corporate training and support of the community.

I am here to advocate, help, educate, corporate train, and support the trangender community through how too's and much much more.  I discuss issues and topics that directly impact the trans community and call out the bull and myths that have been spread through hate and ignorance.  To me ignorance is not a defense when the internet is at your finger tips.  When hate is spread it is all our responcability to stop it not matter what or who it is aimed at!

If you become a patron to Vocally Versatile, you’ll immediately get access to as many as 0 patron-only posts.

Podcast operational expence

$200 per month

We are non-profit and operate on an out of pocket expence for the founder and with the kindness of sponcers and contributors.  This goal is a yearly goal for continued operational expence of the podcasts.  This way we can bring you video interviews and how too's as well as the regular audio show.


Pledge $5 per month

$5 or more per month • 0 patrons

You will be mentioned in the podcast and your name will appear on the donors list of the youtube channel (name only). 

Pledge $50 per month

$50 or more per month • 0 patrons

LGBT (Trans) Ohio messanger bag.  You will be mentioned in the podcast and your name will appear on the donors list of the youtube channel (name only).