Invest into nude colonization on the most suitable celestial body.



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Not only dumb fiction, but also pop and rap shall motivate dolt lovers to ponder about the following: Which place on various celestial bodies next to Earth and moon comprises the obviously most suitable distance and natural resources for colonization?


Invest into nude colonization on the most suitable celestial body.

Make a gift. Invest into distant colonization through an eventual nudists habitat. Earth and moon have enough places with clothing regulations. Mercurian poles, Olympus Mons on Mars, 3753 Cruithne on a par with our orbit, Venusian clouds or Maat Mons, and so on, look like promising places.

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A treat for my good deed.

$69 per month

The 69 bucks donation may be kept as a treat. Even a dolt deserves a treat for having done a good deed. My good deed happens to be thought-provoking works of audio entertainment.


Pledge $6.9 per month

$6.9 or more per month • 0 of 9 patrons

Not only dumb fiction, but also pop and rap shall motivate dolt lovers to ponder about the following: Which place on various celestial bodies next to Earth and moon comprises the obviously most suitable distance and natural resources for colonization?