
There is nothing more satisfying to the soul than God's Word! Your support helps us stay online!



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Pledge $5 per month

$5 or more per month • 0 patrons

Our thanks will go out to you in subsequent podcasts as you graciously contribute to the Soulcoffee cup!  I humbly thank you in advance for your support!  Praise God! 


There is nothing more satisfying to the soul than God's Word! Your support helps us stay online!

I love to study, teach, and live out of the dynamic power of the Spirit of truth according to the Word of truth!  God made us in His image, and when we come to understand His character and nature, we discover the life we were created to live.  I was a science and math guy, who taught secondary math and biology for 15 years, until my relationship with God led me to teach a new subject.  Now I have been pastoring a church for the last 15 years, helping people to discover the grace and truth of God offered freely to us through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ!  Your support will help to make these messages available online so that others may have a better chance to find their meaning and purpose in Christ.  What can be more exciting and fulfilling than that?  You can help to change eternity!

If you become a patron to soulcoffee, you’ll immediately get access to as many as 0 patron-only posts.

The Soulcoffee cup goal!

$500 per month

Psalm 23 says 'my cup overflows'!  You can help fill the Soulcoffee cup so that ongoing production fees are provided, and new features can be added.


Pledge $5 per month

$5 or more per month • 0 patrons

Our thanks will go out to you in subsequent podcasts as you graciously contribute to the Soulcoffee cup!  I humbly thank you in advance for your support!  Praise God!