Critical Thinking Nerd podcast

Using critical thinking to understand the whys and hows of life



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T&E pratron

$1 or more per month • 0 patrons

thank you on the trial run patron. You are part of a community to help bring back and share critical thinking skills

Critical Thinking Nerd Podcast

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Using critical thinking to understand the whys and hows of life

This podcast allows me to share my thoughts on difficult and sensitive topics that affects our daily lives, using critical thinking and asking questions to find the truth. As an amateur, it is a core value and principle of mine to do the research to find the truth and to share with you as a listener. If you feel I deserve your pledge, I ask you to give what you can based on the content I share with you.

I will be building the podcast into something more. If you want to watch it grow with me, you are welcome to contribute more. All I truly ask for, is your listening ear and for you as a listener to share with others. For Truth, Transparency and Fairness. -Random N3rd

trial and error

$100 per month
In the Who Am I Part 1 episode, I shared I have basic recording equipment and recording setting. so the sound quality isn't the best and I'm limited on time of day to do my recordings. I will be doing a trial run to see where things start. ie getting a baseline of listeners. 

I want to be as transparent with you as I can. Any contributions received, will be used for recording equipment, recording editing software, recording setting.... upgrades, As goals are reached, some perks may become available as the podcast grows.

For loyal listeners, I will build a member's specific level for extra, in-depth content on previous or new episodes / series' that may not be available on the main channel. Even possibly, requests by listeners on specific topics.


T&E pratron

$1 or more per month • 0 patrons

thank you on the trial run patron. You are part of a community to help bring back and share critical thinking skills

Critical Thinking Nerd Podcast

Access to patrons-only comments


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