Driving You Homo

A Queer Podcast where a few homos waffle nonsense



$0of $200

per month

0% funded

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Become a Patron

$1 or more per month • 0 patrons

If you play your cards right we may mention you on the show 


A Queer Podcast where a few homos waffle nonsense

The arts industry isn't cheap and most of the people that come on the show are artists and we at DYH would like to give them the ability to realise their dreams and continue to create. 


All money recieved will go back into helping DYH performers 

Recording studio

$200 per month

This will go towards the cost of using the recording studios to give the podcast a better sound 

Editing Software

$300 per month

We can now use up to date editing software to make our podcast sound more snazzy ... oh la la 

Our Host

$400 per month

You have now given 1 of our hosts the ability to work full time on this venture. They will now be able to focus their attention on this podcast to create contiunal amazing content. 

Support the Queers

$500 per month


$800 per month

Now the co-host will be able to work full time on this venutre giving 100% of their time to this venture

Pay the artists

$1,000 per month

We will now be able to pay our artists. previously many of our performers who came on the show will have done so for free. Now we can give them some coin for their trouble 



$1 or more per month • 0 patrons

If you play your cards right we may mention you on the show 


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