The Five Moore Minutes' Podcast

Supporting Inclusive Education One Month at a Time!



$0of $500

per month

0% funded

Your pledge per month?

Become a Patron
I just wanna be a 5MM Patron!

$2 or more per month • 0 patrons

For this monthly support you will get a big thank you email from Shelley Moore and Cousin Paul and you will be an official 5MM Patron member :)

A Podcast Shout OUT!

$5 or more per month • 0 patrons

For your monthly support, you will get a monthly shout out on the 5MM Podcast for the 2020-2021 Season.

End Credit on one Monthly YouTube 5MM Video

$10 or more per month • 0 patrons

For your monthly support, you will get an end credit on one 5MM YouTube video episode for the 2020-2021 season!




Image Sponsorship on one 5MM Video Title

$100 or more per month • 0 of 10 patrons

For your monthly support, you will get one title sponsor image on a 5MM You Tube Video in the 2020-2021 Season


Supporting Inclusive Education One Month at a Time!

Hello friends!

We have started to dig into this new decade and I have been reflecting on the direction of Five Moore Minutes. I, like many of you, have big dreams for Inclusive Education, and have really enjoyed seeing this community come together to support our incredible mission of increasing equity in education for all learners.

I made a goal early in this campaign to keep all content free to teachers and parents, but I am having a hard time keeping up with the demand, which is a great problem to have! Looking ahead to 2020 and beyond, I also want to be able to increase our reach, which is why I have decided to start a patron program.

The great part of being a Patron is that we can become an official community, that we can interact with and watch grow. The funds gained through this patron program will also support the ongoing content creation which includes videos and podcasts, as well as the development of website resources  to support teachers and parents in their own school communities.

Thanks for supporting this amazing community as we continue to try to make a difference in the educational lives of our kids!

If you become a patron to The Five Moore Minutes' Podcast, you’ll immediately get access to as many as 0 patron-only posts.

Our First Mission! A Flight to New Jersey!

$500 per month

Welcome 5MM Patroners!

Our first Patron goal will be the first contribution for Season 3 of the Five Moore Minutes Video Series, which will start filming in March 2020. Season 3 will consist of 10 more videos released monthly over the school year! 

This $500 will get us there! Filming will take place in New Jersey in early March 2020. Cousin Paul, as you know, is in charge of all film and production and is looking forward to getting into year 3!

Let's start small and go from there!



September 5MM Video

$1,500 per month

Ok here we go! This $1500 goal will cover the cost of filming one 5MM video episode, and THIS episode will be the KICKOFF to the school year.

We can do it!!!


I just wanna be a 5MM Patron!

$2 or more per month • 0 patrons

For this monthly support you will get a big thank you email from Shelley Moore and Cousin Paul and you will be an official 5MM Patron member :)

A Podcast Shout OUT!

$5 or more per month • 0 patrons

For your monthly support, you will get a monthly shout out on the 5MM Podcast for the 2020-2021 Season.

End Credit on one Monthly YouTube 5MM Video

$10 or more per month • 0 patrons

For your monthly support, you will get an end credit on one 5MM YouTube video episode for the 2020-2021 season!




Image Sponsorship on one 5MM Video Title

$100 or more per month • 0 of 10 patrons

For your monthly support, you will get one title sponsor image on a 5MM You Tube Video in the 2020-2021 Season