Patrons-only Resources
$2 or more per month • 4 patrons
For Good Heavens Patrons
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Be a Good Heavens Patron on Podbean!
I am Wayne Spencer, I work with Daniel Ray for the Good Heavens! Podcast. Dan and I are both former teachers. Dan was once an English teacher and I once taught high school Physics, Chemistry, and Math. I manage Good Heavens on Podbean while Daniel Ray manages Good Heavens on Patreon.
Dan is an employee of Watchman Fellowship in Arlington, Texas. I am not an employee of Watchman but I started Good Heavens on Podbean so our podcast would be available on many more platforms. Podbean pushes Good Heavens out to more than 40 platforms and apps! This includes Apple Podcasts and iTunes. This makes it more convenient for people to find and listen our podcast. We have a unique perspective on astronomy, Christianity, and apologetics. But there is a cost.
I'm hoping you can consider a donation to Good Heavens on Podbean. Giving to Good Heavens on Podbean is not Tax Deductible, but it helps keep it going. These dollars do not go to Watchman Fellowship or to Daniel Ray, but just to me, Wayne Spencer. Benefits for being a patron include getting access to special programs when possible and some special downloads on occasion. I would suggest a donation of $2.00 per month. On your credit card, it will show up as "Creation Ed. Materials," which is my business name.
If you want to make a tax deductible donation to Daniel Ray or to Watchman Fellowship, you can go to Watchman's donation page at
Or, you can support Daniel Ray directly at
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Cover monthly costs of Podbean and certain software
My goal for now is to cover Podbean costs plus some software used with the Podcast.
Patrons-only Resources
$2 or more per month • 4 patrons
For Good Heavens Patrons
- A Thank you email
- Downloads from
- Other goodies in preparation
The leevalerius2's Podcast 2020-10-31
We are happy to support you, Wayne, in this great endeavor. Keep up the good work.