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Healing of The Heart shirt and book
GET $1 REWARDWomen, how is that we arrange to fail again and again in the same way?
I remember when I knew that I was a self. I was 8 years old when I was dressed up by my grandmother waiting for my dad's arrival to visit my brother and me. He never came then or ever!!. I was told "oh maybe he got tied up in with police business in Kingston." (Kingston, Jamaica). This scenario happened over and over again. That feeling of not being important or valuable reverberated for many years. Incidentally shaped many of my adult actions and decisions. Then, I decided to look into this and do something-- become the "real me." I sense that you are reading this because you also want to look into what the real you are. If not, then I am inviting you to do so. In my practice community, this "fire" has caught on. Come see...
Hosting Fees & Adding New Content
I am so humbled that this new brand podcast "Healing of The Heart" started in Mid-July this year. Already, there have been 104 downloads. This tells me that this conversation is meaningful to other women. I am hoping that you will support me in support other women discover and live out their true selves. This is so important! I get to help women every day in my practice and with this podcast. But, I cannot do it alone and would love your voice and support. Thank you in advance for your presence and your financial contribution.
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Healing of The Heart shirt and book