Improving Intimacy in Latter-day Saint Relationships

Changing Culture and Improving Intimacy



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$10 or more per month • 0 patrons

Thank you for your contribution, you'll get a personal shout-out from me in our Facebook Group. 


Changing Culture and Improving Intimacy

Help to change the culture and Improving Intimacy by supporting the show. Improving Intimacy in LDS Relationships' mission is to build healthy sexual and intimate connections, draw closer to God and improve the LDS culture around sexual health and sexual desire. 

If you become a patron to Improving Intimacy in Latter-day Saint Relationships, you’ll immediately get access to as many as 0 patron-only posts.

Culture Change

$300 per month

The Improving Intimacy podcast, related website, and FB group is run entirely by volunteers and has no current funding. Help defray the costs of this podcast and make it possible to continue our mission of Improving Intimacy in the LDS culture. 


Facebook Group

$10 or more per month • 0 patrons

Thank you for your contribution, you'll get a personal shout-out from me in our Facebook Group.