The Detective Noir Podcast

Help Us Create More Fiction



$3of $50

per month

6% funded

Your pledge per month?

Become a Patron
Pete Blacksmith Level 1

$3 or more per month • 1 patrons

By donating 3 dollar you let us know that you are enjoying our podcast and we love that!

Albert Cromwell Level 2

$5 or more per month • 0 patrons

All Patrons will receive:

-A shout out on our upcoming podcast (once monthly)

Caldlow Level 3

$10 or more per month • 0 patrons

All Patrons will receive:

-A shout out on our upcoming podcast (once monthly)
-You will receive an original noir animiatic created by our team each month!

Brian the Bartender Level 4

$25 or more per month • 0 patrons

All Patrons will receive:

-A shout out on our upcoming podcast (once monthly)
-Receive a digital postcard/note each month
-Have your name listed on show’s patrons list
-Get a character named after you or you choose a name for a new character


Help Us Create More Fiction


Thank you for being part of The Detective Noir Podcast, where our passion for storytelling comes to life. We are grateful for your support as we strive to create captivating tales that resonate with you, our cherished audience. Behind the scenes, our dedicated team of voice actors, editors, writers, musicians, and business professionals invest countless hours to bring each episode to fruition.

Your support means the world to us, as it allows us to compensate our hardworking team for their talent and effort. They accomplish more than what they currently receive, and with your help, we aim to provide them with the recognition they so deserve. Together, we explore various genres, from comedy to fiction, noir to suspense, and thrillers, all with the intention of delivering an enjoyable experience.

We value your support immensely and have established tiers of appreciation to thank you for being part of our journey. We continuously strive to enhance your experience with unique and artistic offerings. If there's anything specific you'd like us to add, please don't hesitate to let us know. Your presence as a listener is truly invaluable, and we are grateful for your unwavering support.

If you become a patron to The Detective Noir Podcast, you’ll immediately get access to as many as 0 patron-only posts.

Reward my Team

$50 per month

Currently I reward my team with peanuts. Help me upgrade them to macadamia nuts. Seriously, I have a great team and they deserve a reward for all their hard work. We would love to be able to purchase them upgraded equipment that would match their amazing skillset.  

Stand on our own feet

$100 per month

We truly appreciate our listeners. Standing on our own feet will give us the ability to stretch out on our own in order to grow our audience. Providing even more quality fiction!

Earn enough to pay my team and break even

$500 per month

By earning enough to pay my team and to break even with expenditures, I will no longer have to forego my lunch. 

Upgrade our software

$2,000 per month

Upgrading our software will allow us to produce better quality podcasts as well as cut down on cost and the time in order to bring it altogether. 

Make a living with my podcast

$5,000 per month

I truly enjoy creating stories and producing a quality podcast. For now, it is a hobby. By reaching the goal of $5000 a month, I would be able to make it a fulltime gig. 


Pete Blacksmith Level 1

$3 or more per month • 1 patrons

By donating 3 dollar you let us know that you are enjoying our podcast and we love that!

Albert Cromwell Level 2

$5 or more per month • 0 patrons

All Patrons will receive:

-A shout out on our upcoming podcast (once monthly)

Caldlow Level 3

$10 or more per month • 0 patrons

All Patrons will receive:

-A shout out on our upcoming podcast (once monthly)
-You will receive an original noir animiatic created by our team each month!

Brian the Bartender Level 4

$25 or more per month • 0 patrons

All Patrons will receive:

-A shout out on our upcoming podcast (once monthly)
-Receive a digital postcard/note each month
-Have your name listed on show’s patrons list
-Get a character named after you or you choose a name for a new character


Top patrons