Straight Talk with Dr. Laura

Dr. Katz talks about the ”sensitive subjects” as only an obgyn can.



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Dr. Katz talks about the ”sensitive subjects” as only an obgyn can.

I have been caring for women and girls of all ages for over 20 years with compassion and attention to detail.  I believe that every woman is different and deserves her own unique action plan and access to resources.  I am a doctor, a mother, a woman, and a patient who lives life to the fullest and I try to instill this in my patients.  I want to use every bit of extra income I can generate to guide women to be their best, healthiest and most successful selves.

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$500 per month

Cover costs of advertising for upcoming women's lectures, printing costs, and information campaigns.


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$1 or more per month • 1 patrons

A thank you on the show!


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