Liberate a Horse ~ Liberate Yourself

Rewild your spirit and listen to the Horse! Rewild a horse...and unlock new freedoms!



$0of $60

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$1 or more per month • 0 patrons

Thank you email with Horse Image
Access to patrons-only comments

Special Monthly Newsletter with Goodies Inside

$5 or more per month • 0 patrons

Receive special newsletter each month with musings, writings, photos and a meditation
Name listed on show’s patrons list and a shout-out on a show

Join the Group and recieve a Hand-written Postcard

$10 or more per month • 0 patrons

Monthly, handwritten note or special show postcard

Access to patron-only bonus content such as Videos of the Herd in Tuscany, Writings, Exclusive photos and Meditation Journeys with the Horse

 Participate in a closed fan Facebook group

Pledge $20 per month

$20 or more per month • 0 patrons

Patron can read a short message on the show, or call in as a special guest

30 minute chat with the host
Patron can determine a show topic

Exclusive content and gifts sent to you each month

Pledge $50 per month

$50 or more per month • 0 patrons

Appear as a guest on the show
Choose a guest for the show and attend the recording
A personal thank you video from the hosts
A 60 second sponsorship of your product or service, read by the host

Meet up with the Host

Exclusive Content

Pledge $50 per month

$50 or more per month • 0 patrons

Appear as a guest on the show
Choose a guest for the show and attend the recording
A personal thank you video from the hosts
A 60 second sponsorship of your product or service, read by the host

Special Mention and Thank you on website. Exclusive monthly gifts sent to you

Pledge $50 per month

$50 or more per month • 0 patrons

Appear as a guest on the show
Choose a guest for the show and attend the recording
A personal thank you video from the hosts
A 60 second sponsorship of your product or service, read by the host
One hour videoconference or dinner with the hosts


Rewild your spirit and listen to the Horse! Rewild a horse...and unlock new freedoms!

Dear kind and generous people,

Myself and the Horses would so appreciate your support to continue sharing, inspiring, educating people on humans very interconnected relationship with Horses in their lives. How Horses who live in herds in the most Natural way possible, with access to Nature's bounty, has a direct translation on to your own holistic health; body awareness, energy, emotional intelligence.  It will also put a spotlight on the rehabiltation of Rescue Horses.

Your support will enable to continuation of this podcast by paying for it's platform, creative cloud and time and travel to guests.  It will also sponsor rescue Horses and If funds come in at a high, it will fund developmental oppurtunities such as time spent in herds abroad.  

Your contribution is fundamental to my research into writing my book 'Home to the Horses'.

As gratitude for your support, you will recieve additional gifts such as exclusive photos and vidoes of my favourite Tuscan Herd, and Rescue Horses here in Ireland along with their Story. Included with the images, will be a question or words for you to meditate with the Horse. You will also recieve insights in to Herbal medicine, and excerpts of writings from 'Home to the Horses'.

Recieved with gratitude. May blessings be returned to you as you give to me

Le Grá (With Love)

Siobhán Madden


If you become a patron to Liberate a Horse ~ Liberate Yourself, you’ll immediately get access to as many as 0 patron-only posts.

Creative Cloud

$60 per month

Creative Cloud has gone up to over €60 a month.  My first goal is to pay for this ongoing fee


$300 per month

My next goal is to pay for my yearly hosting platform


Thank you

$1 or more per month • 0 patrons

Thank you email with Horse Image
Access to patrons-only comments

Special Monthly Newsletter with Goodies Inside

$5 or more per month • 0 patrons

Receive special newsletter each month with musings, writings, photos and a meditation
Name listed on show’s patrons list and a shout-out on a show

Join the Group and recieve a Hand-written Postcard

$10 or more per month • 0 patrons

Monthly, handwritten note or special show postcard

Access to patron-only bonus content such as Videos of the Herd in Tuscany, Writings, Exclusive photos and Meditation Journeys with the Horse

 Participate in a closed fan Facebook group

Pledge $20 per month

$20 or more per month • 0 patrons

Patron can read a short message on the show, or call in as a special guest

30 minute chat with the host
Patron can determine a show topic

Exclusive content and gifts sent to you each month

Pledge $50 per month

$50 or more per month • 0 patrons

Appear as a guest on the show
Choose a guest for the show and attend the recording
A personal thank you video from the hosts
A 60 second sponsorship of your product or service, read by the host

Meet up with the Host

Exclusive Content

Pledge $50 per month

$50 or more per month • 0 patrons

Appear as a guest on the show
Choose a guest for the show and attend the recording
A personal thank you video from the hosts
A 60 second sponsorship of your product or service, read by the host

Special Mention and Thank you on website. Exclusive monthly gifts sent to you

Pledge $50 per month

$50 or more per month • 0 patrons

Appear as a guest on the show
Choose a guest for the show and attend the recording
A personal thank you video from the hosts
A 60 second sponsorship of your product or service, read by the host
One hour videoconference or dinner with the hosts


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