Mindfulness Man

I am passionate about helping people to live a deeply meaningful life.



$4of $300

per month

1.33% funded

Your pledge per month?

Become a Patron
A mention on the show and eventually access to intro free, long meditations.

$1 or more per month • 4 patrons

I will thank patrons on my show initially.

My podcast is a chat with a short guided meditation which although useful isn't as deep as I would like to go. As a patron you will have access to intro-free, no chat, straight into longer, guided meditation which isn't currently possible on my existing plan due to the shortage of uploads allowed on my package.

This will take a short while to set up once patrons start to pledge.


I am passionate about helping people to live a deeply meaningful life.

I have spent fifteen years on a deep search for meaning and genuine, lasting happiness. This search has seen me devote many hours daily to meditating and learning about meditation from some of the greatest teachers alive. Help me to bring you the very best of myself by pledging any support you feel you can offer.

This support will help me to spend more time creating valuable content and also help me to upgrade equipment and pay for a much more frequent show. I am currently limited to only around one hour a month of recordings due to finances.

Thank you for taking your time to read this and thank you for any support at all that you pledge.

Increasing content to two shows per week.

$300 per month

This will pay for a higher level of hosting fees to enable me release two shows per week. It will also helo me to upgrade equipment and create a more professionally finished podcast.


A mention on the show and eventually access to intro free, long meditations.

$1 or more per month • 4 patrons

I will thank patrons on my show initially.

My podcast is a chat with a short guided meditation which although useful isn't as deep as I would like to go. As a patron you will have access to intro-free, no chat, straight into longer, guided meditation which isn't currently possible on my existing plan due to the shortage of uploads allowed on my package.

This will take a short while to set up once patrons start to pledge.


Top patrons