Mom Betch - Supporting the TOTAL Mom

Help us build a network that celebrates the victories of women everywhere!



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Mom Betch Pledger

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Help us build a network that celebrates the victories of women everywhere!

Hey, Mom Betch Nation!

We're on a mission to build a powerful network for women, and we need YOUR support to make it happen! The Mom Betch podcast has been a beacon of empowerment, laughter, and real talk for all the amazing women out there. Now, we're ready to take it to the next level and create a community that's as vibrant and diverse as our incredible listeners.

πŸš€ Why Crowdfund? We believe in the strength of our community, and we want to bring you even more high-quality content and opportunities for connection. Your contribution will help us build a network that celebrates the unique experiences, challenges, and victories of women everywhere.

πŸ’– What's in it for You? By supporting Mom Betch, you're not just backing a podcast; you're investing in a movement. We've got some fantastic rewards lined up for our backers – from exclusive behind-the-scenes content and personalized shoutouts to limited edition Mom Betch merchandise. Your contribution is your VIP ticket to the heart of the action!

🌐 How Your Contribution Will Make a Difference:

  • Editing Excellence: Your funds will ensure top-notch editing for every episode, delivering a polished and professional listening experience.
  • Community Building: We're committed to creating a network where women can connect, share stories, and uplift one another. Your support fuels the growth of this incredible community.

πŸ™Œ Join the Mom Betch Movement: Head over to our crowdfunding page [Insert Link] to be a part of something bigger! Your support not only helps us reach our financial goals but also sends a powerful message about the importance of women supporting women.

🎁 Let's Reach Our Goals Together! Every contribution, big or small, brings us one step closer to our dream. Spread the word, share our campaign, and let's make Mom Betch the ultimate podcast destination for women!

Thank you for being a part of our journey. With your help, the Mom Betch Podcast and community will soar to new heights!

Cheers to empowering women and changing the game!

Celia Bulgarelli, Host, Mom Betch Podcast

#MomBetchPodcast #EmpowerWomen #CrowdfundingCampaign

If you become a patron to Mom Betch - Supporting the TOTAL Mom, you’ll immediately get access to as many as 0 patron-only posts.

2024 Pledge Goals

$2,000 per month

Hey, Mom Betch Nation!

We're on a mission to build a powerful network for women, and we need YOUR support to make it happen! The Mom Betch podcast has been a beacon of empowerment, laughter, and real talk for all the amazing women out there. Now, we're ready to take it to the next level and create a community that's as vibrant and diverse as our incredible listeners.

πŸš€ Why Crowdfund? We believe in the strength of our community, and we want to bring you even more high-quality content and opportunities for connection. Your contribution will help us build a network that celebrates the unique experiences, challenges, and victories of women everywhere.

πŸ’– What's in it for You? By supporting Mom Betch, you're not just backing a podcast; you're investing in a movement. We've got some fantastic rewards lined up for our backers – from exclusive behind-the-scenes content and personalized shoutouts to limited edition Mom Betch merchandise. Your contribution is your VIP ticket to the heart of the action!

🌐 How Your Contribution Will Make a Difference:

  • Editing Excellence: Your funds will ensure top-notch editing for every episode, delivering a polished and professional listening experience.
  • Community Building: We're committed to creating a network where women can connect, share stories, and uplift one another. Your support fuels the growth of this incredible community.

πŸ™Œ Join the Mom Betch Movement: Head over to our crowdfunding page [Insert Link] to be a part of something bigger! Your support not only helps us reach our financial goals but also sends a powerful message about the importance of women supporting women.

🎁 Let's Reach Our Goals Together! Every contribution, big or small, brings us one step closer to our dream. Spread the word, share our campaign, and let's make Mom Betch the ultimate podcast destination for women!

Thank you for being a part of our journey. With your help, the Mom Betch podcast and community will soar to new heights!

Cheers to empowering women and changing the game!

Celia, Bulgarelli, Host, Mom Betch Podcast

#MomBetchPodcast #EmpowerWomen #CrowdfundingCampaign


Mom Betch Pledger

$1 or more per month β€’ 0 patrons

A thank you on the show or site
Access to patrons-only Facebook Group GET $1 REWARD