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Help eliminate Hate, Division and Fear by supporting this podcast

The purpose of these podcasts is to do my part to changing the world, one person at a time! By working to eliminate Hate, Division and Fear, as well as deliver positive, uplifting content we can all come together as one to create a whole new experience of our home, Earth. The world as we know it and the people living on it must change if we are going to survive. This we must do for, if not us, then for the future generations to come. The reason to support this work is pretty obvious, at least to me, as it will allow this forum to continue to grow it's reach to touch more like minded people, who also want change. So I hope that you will support this program in any way any amount possible. And, oh by the way enjoy the podcast!

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$250 per month

Helping to defray production costs, gathering better and more episodes and helping to keep us going!


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