Myths and Legends of Europe

Become a patron and help others to enjoy the wonders of European mythology



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Send me proof of a donation of at least $10 or that you’ve signed up to be a patron and I will send you .pdf versions of my three eBooks, 'The Myths of Ancient Greece', 'The History of Ancient Greece' and ‘The Legends of King Arthur and his Knights.’.


Become a patron and help others to enjoy the wonders of European mythology

I write and present two podcasts: the Myths and History of Greece and Rome and The Myths and Legends of Europe. I have so many more ideas of how to present history and mythology in a marvelously entertaining way. I have recently written a 'history connections' episode which takes the listener through seemingly unconnected historical events which are linked to one another in various ways. This has been very well received.

I love history and podcasting and want to devote much more of my time to presenting the beauty, majesty and intricacy of history to a family audience.

Any help would be gratefully received and diligently used to continue to provide quality output.

If you become a patron to Myths and Legends of Europe, you’ll immediately get access to as many as 0 patron-only posts.

Prepare a six-episode series of History Connections and continue to produce this podcast.

$1,000 per month

This will allow me the time and space to be truly creative.  Please go to and listen to the History Connections episode. My wish is to do many many more.


Pledge your choice of donation, from $1 per month upwards!

$1 or more per month • 0 patrons

Send me proof of a donation of at least $10 or that you’ve signed up to be a patron and I will send you .pdf versions of my three eBooks, 'The Myths of Ancient Greece', 'The History of Ancient Greece' and ‘The Legends of King Arthur and his Knights.’.